Hello everyone,
Really excited to read the updates from regional events ( check it out!) that were funded by GOSH this year in round 1 for $9910:
- AfricaOSH @thomasmboa
- reGOSH @pablocremades
- International Hackteria Society @dusjagr
- Digital Naturalism Conference @leeborg
- LabHack and SanBIO @louisebez
And round 2:
- TanzaniaOSH @valerian $6000
- The Foundry @pin $6000
- Association Hackuarium @Rachel $3000
- JOGL @gamelmag $3000
- ART±BIO Collaborative @stephaniednava $3000
- Culture2 @culture-culture $6000
- iGEM @sofiaOScA $3000
- Associazione Kin @Zoe $3000
As a reminder and as announced in round 1 and round 2, all regional funding awardees are requested to publish some sort of documentation output under open source licenses (e.g. CERN OHLv2, GNU GPLv3, CC BY-SA 4.0, etc.). They don’t even have to be hardware designs, and could be anything that helps grow our collective knowledge towards ubiquity of open science hardware. Once that has been done and approved, you will get a USD 800 bonus!!
Thanks everyone.