Apply here for GOSH’s 2022 Regional Events Funding (Round 2)

  1. Name of your organization

Just One Giant Lab (JOGL)

  1. Reliable email address (or another reliable way of official contact)


  1. Tell us about your organization

Just One Giant Lab (JOGL) is the first non-profit platform dedicated to supporting communities for collaborative development of science and technology at the service of the sustainable development goals. JOGL believes that humanity’s biggest problems cannot be solved through business-as-usual approaches, whereas research institutions and companies work in tightly defined disciplines and sectors. Rather, we believe that the biggest global challenges will be solved through interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration. By building a global community of contributors (scientists, activists, innovators, entrepreneurs, and students) through and engaging them through a unique community animation dynamic, JOGL is uniquely placed to connect talents with needs, and foster networks and interactions that can deliver research and innovation projects at a tenth of the cost of existing institutions. We partner with academic labs, companies, startups, foundations, NGOs and public services to help them create vibrant communities around their initiatives and co-develop participatory programs (‘giant labs’) to understand and solve the grand challenges of our time.

JOGL operates based on five main pillars:

  • A scalable digital open source platform capable of connecting very large numbers of stakeholders and fostering collaboration
  • An open and continuous community-based evaluation framework that offers due-diligence services to all initiatives proposed by the community
  • An agile funding model providing fast and additive microfunding to initiatives positively evaluated by the community, where applicants are also reviewers
  • The creation of scientific and technological commons to facilitate egoless collaboration and faster information propagation
  • A community animation dynamic that is efficient at fostering collaborations and support among all members of the community.
  1. Does your organization have representation for a marginalized demographic due to factors such as, but not limited to, race, ability, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class situation or other identification? If so, how?

JOGL has been very keen on supporting marginalised communities to participate in community-based science and innovation. Our global team members come from different backgrounds and are based in different countries, on five continents. By keeping the platform free and globally accessible, we’re reducing barriers to entry as far as participation is concerned. Through our emerging regional chapters (e.g. JOGL Africa), we enable greater participation in science and innovation in developing countries, and therefore play a key role in driving the application of science and technology for sustainable development. For example, our Africa Against AMR initiative built the capacity of about 90 students and lab technicians in understanding, tracking, and fighting antimicrobial resistance through traditional and technological means. Grantees of our flagship OpenCovid19 initiative come from all over the world, with over 42% of project leaders being women. While there is more to be done to achieve equality across all fronts, JOGL’s track record so far shows that we’re dedicated to ensuring that science is indeed for everyone.

  1. How would your event address GOSH’s values of diversity and inclusion?

We’ve designed the event to be fully virtual in order to increase access and ensure that as many people as possible participate and are not hindered by travelling costs. We will maintain a low participation fee (10-20€ per ticket), and also provide waivers for accepted participants who may not be able to afford the fee. The summit organising team is made up of JOGL team members, ambassadors, and volunteers from all over the world. We have both racial and gender diversity in the team, allowing for a variety of perspectives and ideas in the planning process. In order to cover and address the issues that matter, we have launched a call for collaboration through which we’re gathering inputs and suggestions from diverse contributors to shape the summit. Just One Giant Summit will have several tracks, and Diversity and Inclusion will be included as one of the main topics within the track on Roadblocks and Bottlenecks, ensuring that issues that matter to marginalised communities are addressed. Also, we will ensure fair geographical and gender representation on various panels and sessions to ensure participation from diverse stakeholders. In the spirit of enhancing participation the Summit will publish guidelines inspired by JOGL’s Code of Conduct (which aligns with GOSH’s principles). All participants of Just One Giant Summit must agree to this standard of reasonable behaviour, which will also serve as a reference point in dealing with inappropriate behaviour or resolving any emerging issues.

  1. What is the event about, and what do you want to achieve with it?

Just One Giant Summit is the first of its kind global summit focused on community-driven science and innovation (CoSI). We believe that community approaches make solving global challenges more inclusive, efficient, fun and impactful. But community science and innovation asks for different kinds of infrastructure, governance and resource allocation logics to what we’re used to. As these processes are being built by many actors around the world, we’re creating the space where these initiatives can share their experiences and perspectives with each other.

This decentralised summit is a chance for individuals and organisations working in the CoSI space to connect with each other, collaborate, and take lead on identifying the latest trends in community-driven science and innovation as well as celebrate what we are all achieving together as part of a larger community of communities.

The tracks of the summit will address trends and roadblocks, application fields, regional issues, and cross-cutting topics. Some of the topics the summit will cover include health, education, synthetic biology, climate change, pollution, artificial intelligence, technology platforms, open production, and standardisation. Formats of engagement include plenaries, panel discussions, meetings, roundtables, unconferences, and fireside chats. We will also offer opportunities for matchmaking, one-on-ones, parties, career fairs, and exhibitions. We will encourage sessions that can potentially lead to identified outputs and call-to-actions.

The summit will be a two day virtual event in July 2022. We are currently talking to organisations in different countries to take leadership of various tracks including the regional ones. Representatives of these organisations will be involved in organising and shaping sessions addressing the role of Open Science Hardware in fostering community-driven science and innovation in their regions. Just One Giant Summit is a unique opportunity to at once explore community, regional, and global perspectives. Multiple plenaries and parallel tracks (presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and breakout sessions) will be held online, giving participants an opportunity to engage with topics they’re interested in. We’re crowdsourcing content for the program through an online form, ensuring we cover topics important to the communities we engage with.

As a completely interactive digital summit, we want to make it as nice as possible. We will be creating specially customised virtual environments to enhance the experience. There will be a dedicated thematic space for every track of the summit, a whole space for informal meetings and discussions as well, and a place for projects and organisations to display their work.

Just One Giant Summit will target members of communities who are interested in community approaches to science and innovation around the world. We aim to bring together hundreds of researchers, innovators, students, artists, and activists who are interested in building new approaches to community-led initiatives that can bring sustainable change. Ultimately we hope to showcase Community-driven Science and Innovation (CoSI), with Open Science Hardware, as the new way of building the future.

  1. How will your event contribute to advancing OPEN SCIENCE HARDWARE?

Access to hardware is integral to community-based science and innovation, from sensors for environmental monitoring to low-cost sequencers for genetic studies. Lack of funding for open (community) projects often means that teams are unable to access quality and reliable equipment for their work. This constitutes a major roadblock to the realisation of more community-based science and innovation projects for large-scale social impact. While gathering contributions for the event, several organisations have expressed the desire in running an Open Science Hardware track to address these issues. Activities and explorations around Open Science Hardware at the summit will include:

  • Design of open science hardware for different contexts such as research, health, education, environmental monitoring, art, biotech and crises situations
  • Experiences of JOGL supported projects developing open hardware for research, diagnostics, education, and other applications through the OpenCovid19 program
  • Sessions explaining and discussing the GOSH Roadmap for Open Science Hardware, and regional variants, and how to make OScH more ubiquitous
  • Discussions and debates on open production processes, with special focus on design, IP, sharing, and standardisation
  • How to signpost new entrants, and how to distribute knowledge across regions and backgrounds

JOGL members are makers and innovators from across the globe. Many of them use open hardware in their projects, but not all are aware of the organisations out there like GOSH or Africa OSH that take the community approach, and how it can support their goals. While it is a prominent field in Open Innovation, and many resources are shared in the community, there is still a need to continue the conversation on some of the issues listed above and more. The JOGL Summit will gather veterans in the field as well as newbies from across the world, providing the space for fresh perspectives on these conversations.

  1. How does your event address each item in the review criteria table above?

Local development of GOSH mission: GOSH’s key mission is to make Open Science Hardware ubiquitous around the world. The GOSH manifesto emphasises reducing barriers and widening access for diverse creators to access scientific tools to advance knowledge, highlighting 10 key principles. JOGL’s modus operandi fully aligns fully with GOSH’s principles, and the design of Just One Giant Summit addresses most of them. Greater adoption of Open Science Hardware, as promoted by GOSH, will advance our mission of enabling community-driven science and innovation.

At Just One Giant Summit, we will focus on local and regional issues around adoption and valorisation of Open Science Hardware with our dedicated Regional Tracks. Leveraging our work with Communities of Practice in various geographies, we intend to further the conversation about how to overcome local obstacles to utilising Open Science Hardware. While we have had iterations of this conversation before, we have now grown and learned more deeply, and will be able to progress the conversation towards local guidebooks highly applicable to the OScH context.

Broader Impacts: We intend to leverage the summit to further promote the Community-driven Science and Innovation (CoSI) paradigm, and recruit more contributors into this space. During Just One Giant Summit, we will identify opportunities for new programs and communities that can benefit from the CoSI and Open Science Hardware approaches, and work with a wide array of stakeholders to implement them. By organising multiple regional sessions, we are increasing the odds of learning across geographies and replication of solutions that have worked elsewhere. There will be many networking opportunities that will hopefully lead to some brilliant future collaborations.

Just One Giant Summit will bring together experts in different fields to centralise knowledge about the biggest opportunities and challenges in CoSI in 2022, and will produce recordings, reports and blog articles to be distributed and shared easily between communities of practice. We have a strategy to disseminate our learnings to various stakeholders including local organisations (through our regional chapters) and intergovernmental institutions (IGIs). Engaging with IGIs will open the door for policy changes desired by our communities.

Feasibility: We are building a strong and diverse team for Just One Giant Summit together with several organisations in the open science and innovation space. Many of our team members have been involved in the organisation of very large events (e.g. the biosummit, Africa OSH, Friendzymes Hackathon, etc). We regularly launch and animate global programs with diverse participants, pooling their expertise and encouraging participation across the spectrum. The Summit will be built as a cooperative effort between prominent local and global organisations, distributing the expertise and organisational capacity where it is best put to use. JOGL itself will contribute to funding the summit, and we are mobilising additional resources from several of our collaborators who have come on board. We have already recruited over 20 volunteers from across the globe who are working on the topics being covered and active in the relevant communities who will be engaged for the summit.

  1. Which of the three levels of funding would you like to apply for? (USD $3000, $6000, or $9910)


  1. What is the funding for? Describe your budget. List what you are going to spend it on and how.
Event management JOGL will cover it Cost of the time of the organising team
Platforms (community events and conferencing) $1000 Subscription to various platform services (e.g. SwapCard, Zoom, and Gather Town)
Graphical Design $4000 1- For developing customized experiences by bringing relevant virtual environments to the participants. 2- For event materials, onboarding toolkit, and digital merchandise (backgrounds, frames, etc)
Communication and video editing $4000 Digital mobilisation campaigns. Recording and handling of the event content. Montage and distribution.
Overhead $910
TOTAL $9910
  1. How will you share the outcomes of this event? What documentation or other outputs will benefit the open science hardware community as a whole? (videos? photos? a how-to or other education materials? innovative hardware designs?)

Our goal is to make the outcomes of Just One Giant Summit available to different audiences in different formats in order to extend its impact beyond the three days of the program. Key outputs of the will include:

  • Conference proceedings
  • A comprehensive conference report and a communique to be shared with various stakeholders including big organisations like UNESCO
    • The report will include outcomes of a satisfaction survey measuring participants experiences of Just One Giant Summit
    • A list of new programs and communities to be created by JOGL and partners based on recommendations (votes) of summit participants
  • A separate summary of big trends (big numbers and themes) identified during the summit will be published
  • Video recordings of key sessions will be published on JOGL YouTube channel
  • Blog articles highlighting most interesting sessions and participants’ experiences will be published by JOGL and partners
  • Content created by attendees and partners through social media and other channels
  1. Can you confirm that at least the primary output from your event will be published under an appropriate open source license as described above in this announcement?

Yes. We will publish under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License or similar one.

  1. Are there any conflicts of interest that you wish to declare? (a conflict of interest does not always mean disqualification!)


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