Category | Topics |
GeneralThis is the right place for general discussions about Open Science Hardware. Want to show or ask for something, this is the right place to start.
EventsUse this category to find out more about reoccurring GOSH events like community calls, open hours, and book club meetings, and regional open science hardware events across the globe!
RoadmapThis category is for discussions surrounding the GOSH Roadmap and its actions, and the Roadmap WG tasked with managing the roadmap.
ProjectsThis is the parent category for open science hardware projects. Any project can be added as a subcategory as long the following information is provided to an admin: 1. Name of project 2. Short description of the project 3. Link to documentation 4. Link to source 5. Link to license
Ambassador ProgramThis category is for communicating all things related to the GOSH Ambassador Program! This category is dedicated to communications between the ambassadors, the program working group, and the broader GOSH Community.
CommunitiesSpace for supporting community communication and engagement. If you would like to use this space for your community, please contact for creating a dedicated category.
Latino America y CaribeThis category is intended to gather discussion from de Latin American and Caribbean community.
OpportunitiesPut opportunities for funding here, could be grants, foundation funding, competitive prizes, or when appropriate job postings relating to open science hardware.
GatheringsThis is the place for conversations about GOSH Gatherings: global, regional, thematic and more!
Community GovernanceAs of August 2020, the GOSH Governance Working Group has begun putting together a basic governance structure for the community, so a longer-seated governance working group can put the rest in place.
Consolidated Community AnnouncementsEvents and opportunities of interest across the Open Source Hardware (OSH) ecosystem. Posts to this channel are pushed to the IoPA, OSHWA, GOSH, and OpenToolchain forums concurrently.