Looking for various OScH mentorship and/or training materials and programs

Hi Goshers,

Hope everyone is keeping well these days!

Last week some people from this community had a meeting to discuss whether or not to apply for funding from the TOPS NASA program.

One of the points raised during the meeting is that before starting any sorts of bids in the building OSH training space, we should try to learn about existing initiatives and see how to collaborate!

So if you are developing projects/materials that are related to sharing with others best practices on how to build and develop OSH, please share it here!!

program name summary people involved format obs
Open Hardware Makers Online mentoring program sharing best practices around open source hardware @jarancio , @vektor , @louisebez and @amchagas Two options: 8-weeks and 16-weeks The curriculum is CC-BY 4.0 The program went through a huge community consultation and expert assessment with several members of the GOSH community.
Open Hardware Academy The Open Hardware Academy is originally conceived as a 10-week program that helps you to develop your own open hardware project. In the 10 weeks participants have learned about project management, documentation, community building, prototyping and licenses for open hardware among other topics. Jerry de Vos, @jurra , Santosh Ilamparuthi 10-weeks program
open make/TU Berlin to be defined and developed @Juliencolomb, @rmies @moritz.maxeiner and @jarancio 3 months funded position to develop training concept/material
ex3 summ3 @ obs3
The Basics of Making/FIT a 3-credit course @jbrennerFIT one semester course

The course that serves as a training ground for my open source hardware initiative is listed here:
Jim Brenner, Florida Institute of Technology
The Basics of Making - CHE4568: The Basics of Making, Summer 2022, Sect. 01
Anyone who reads this and wants to use the site can do so,
but should e-mail me at jbrenner@fit.edu first.

I am willing to teach the entire Basics of Making course to people outside Florida Institute of Technology in the fall of 2023 or the summer of 2024 (the next two times I will offer the course to in person participants), if such participants register sufficiently far in advance. The kits for the course are $250 including a $50 budget (that is typically exceeded out of my pocket for FIT students) for the end-of-semester project. There is a lot of work to be the logistics manager for many projects running simultaneously. The $250 is in lieu of paying a bookstore for the textbook I am authoring. To get actual university credit for the course, I am sure that we would have to make arrangement for my university to get paid. While I realize that isn’t totally in keeping with the open source ideal, without it, I won’t have time to manage all the additional students.

This post is an editable wiki, please add your input here!