I’ve recently come across this usage of discourse as a “knowledgebase”. It would be cool to combine that idea with wiki posts to start building a collborative knowledgebase.
There is already a discussion on how to organize our collective knowledge, with more information and alternatives.
I am confident that this can be a good place to start. We can give this idea a try, with no extra cost, effort, or risk.
Proposed actions
We can jump-start this new category by moving the OH project list wiki post to this new category: Wiki: List of open hardware project directories
I’d be glad to volunteer for maintaining the first post.
Future actions
- Add more knowledgebase posts to the category, either by moving or sourcing content from them:
- How we organize knowledge post: How do we organise, archive, and communicate our collective knowledge?
- The assembly manual software post: Software for making "assembly manuals"
- Self-hosted apps post: Self-hosted apps for GOSH
- Tested and tried Open Source tools for academic research
- Find volunteers to do maintenance/gardening for each post.
- Use this to automagically pulish the wiki posts into documentation form.
This looks really great to me.