@ryanfobel and I are interested in getting the GOSH book club going again (you can see the past book club thread here).
We hosted our first meeting at 13:00 UTC on June 9th and decided on holding book club meetings on a monthly basis, with one person moderating each meeting.
Meeting #1: June 9th 13:00-14:00 UTC (introductory meeting) Meeting #2: July 7th 13:00-14:00 UTC, discussing Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig (moderated by @biomurph)
You can find upcoming meetings on the GOSH calendar and access the meeting notes here.
Reading List
You can access the reading list here - feel free to add your contributions to it!
You can fill out the following poll, based on our reading list, to share which books you would like to read in the future:
Books you would like to read!
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
Makers, by Cory Doctorow
The Misfit Economy by Alexa Clay & Kyra Maya Phillips
Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, by Bruno Latour
Everything for Everyone by Nathan Schneider
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, by Richard Feynman
Sapiens: A brief history of humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari
Common as Air, by Lewis Hyde
The Gift, by Lewis Hyde
Better Work Together by the Enspiral Foundation
Doughnut Economics, by Kate Raworth
Against Intellectual Monopoly, by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine
Hardware Hacker, by Bunnie Huang
The Ministry for the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson
I’ll try to join the meeting on 9 June, but in case I don’t make it I submit this for discussion: What’s a good place/way to maintain a book list? A public Zotero group perhaps? Or use GOSH’s GitLab?
@hpy great question regarding the booklist - I just made a gosh bookclub project on GOSH’s gitlab, and made a wiki there for the reading list @biomurph I added your recommendations to the list as well! In terms of the book club group being active, I am not sure…perhaps @ryanfobel may know more? Can we continue to use this, or should we make a new one?
So many good books so little time to read them all!
Thanks for setting up a GitLab project, let’s see how well it works. I’ve submitted an editing request, hope that’s OK.
A few books off the top of my head:
Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig - This book re-formatted my brain on how to think about the nature of creativity, knowledge, ideas, and by extension the foundational motivations behind the concept of “free as in freedom, not price” for open source.
We had a great book club meeting this past Wednesday (you can see the notes form it here) and decided on our first book to read together, which will be Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig! You can find the free electronic version here.
Our next book club meeting will be July 7th at 13:00 UTC, which has been added to the GOSH calendar. This next meeting will be moderated by @biomurph, and we plan on discussing Free Culture and deciding on our next book.
I am also adding a poll to the first post in this thread so that we can vote on books we would like to read.
A reminder that the next GOSH book club meeting will be July 7th at 13:00 UTC. We will be discussing the book Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig! You can find the free electronic version here .
Too bad I’ve got an important meeting that day which overlaps substantially with this book club meeting. I read Free Culture in 2014 and have been hoping to discuss it with someone this whole time! Oh well.
Hope you all have a great conversation about it! The book inspired me a lot.
Hi all! A quick reminder that the next GOSH book club meeting will be next week, on August 25th at 13:00 UTC! We will be discussing Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson. I have added this to the GOSH calendar and we will meet using this Jitsi link.
Thanks for adding to the list, @hpy! During our last meeting, we chatted about the last book we read which was Ministry for the Future. We didn’t decide on the next book to read, so I am sharing another poll to see what people would like to read next:
Books you would like to read!
The New Enlightenment and the Fight to Free Knowledge, by Peter B. Kaufman
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
Makers, by Cory Doctorow
The Misfit Economy by Alexa Clay & Kyra Maya Phillips
Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, by Bruno Latour
Everything for Everyone by Nathan Schneider
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, by Richard Feynman
Sapiens: A brief history of humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari
Common as Air, by Lewis Hyde
The Gift, by Lewis Hyde
Better Work Together by the Enspiral Foundation
Doughnut Economics, by Kate Raworth
Against Intellectual Monopoly, by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine
Hardware Hacker, by Bunnie Huang
You can learn more about these books by accessing the reading list here
Hi everyone! The next GOSH book club meeting will be October 20th from 11:30-12:30 UTC. We will be reading The New Enlightenment and the Fight to Free Knowledge By Peter B. Kaufman (2021), feel free to read as far as you would like before the meeting! You can buy it or read it online under CC BY license.