Community Council meeting summary 2022-01-05

Dear GOSH Community Forum,

Below is a summary of the GOSH Community Council meeting at 22:00 UTC on Wednesday, 05 January 2022. As always, feedback is appreciated and please give feedback on if this is too much/little detail!

GOSH Community Council meeting summary 2022-01-05

Facilitator: @briannaljohns
Scribe: @hpy


  • GOSH Global 2022
    • MOU making progress, coming up next week-ish.
  • GOSH Regional Event Funding
    • Call is open, please apply here!!
    • Thanks for those who have applied.
    • We have enough people for a review panel!
  • GOSH collaborative development funding
    • Confirming with @shannond and @jcm80, should be ready by next week-ish. Keep your eyes peeled!
  • Next GOSH Community Call is coming up → the Community Council should give an update!

Agenda item 1 - Drafting the GOSH Community Council constitution

We spent the rest of the meeting today going over a draft constitution for the GOSH Community Council that @lizbarry has generously composed. We’re sensitive to the governance process that generated this Council last year including the concerns raised, and discussed the best way for this to work well for the wider GOSH community.

We also agreed that we need to conduct an autopsy on last year’s elections before figuring out what to do this year for the next set of Council members.

Watch this space.

That’s all folks!

Has this summary been useful for you? Please chime in below!

P.S. Notes from previous meeting on 2021-12-15 here.


@hpy thanks for the great updates.
We at Community Creativity For Development (CC4D-Uganda) as a new member in the GOSH forum appreciated it. we look forward to your consideration of our application to support our fellow refugees in the camp.

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