URI (DOI or URL),Hardware or software,Title (URL items only),Authors (URL items only),"Content Type (URL items only - Research Article, Web Article, Commentary, Video, Poster)",Date Published (URL items only),Source (URL items only),Summary,"Featured Rank (1 = Editor's Pick, 2-6 = Featured Research, 7-12 = Related Content)","Paywall (x = paywall, otherwise leave blank)","Featured Preprint (x = Featured Preprint, otherwise leave blank)",Remove (x = delete the item)
https://futurism.com/the-byte/github-apocalypse-proof-vault,software,GitHub Sealed Away Its Open Source Code In an Arctic Fault ,DAN ROBITZSKI,Web Article,2020-08-18,Futurism,"Earlier this month, the code management platform GitHub sealed away its archive of open source software in an Arctic vault so deep that they say it could survive a nuclear blast.
The mildly-outlandish idea behind the move, Engadget reports, is to give a boost to future generations after a hypothetical civilization-ending catastrophe. Should that happen, whatever civilization emerges from the ashes won’t have to start from scratch and could instead tap the knowledge of modern-day coders and engineers.",7,,,
https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryancampbell/2020/07/14/new-open-source-software-looks-to-kickstart-the-autonomous-revolution/#7d1030d5bb5d,software,New Open-Source Software Looks To Kickstart The Autonomous Revolution,Bryan Campbell,Web Article,2020-08-18,Forbes,"This article reports on ""https://www.project-aslan.org/"">Project ASLAN<, a collaborative alternative to the tech race at the forefront of the move towards fully-autonomous vehicles. ASLAN is a supergroup of tech companies, research groups and universities, focused on bringing a fiscally practical, fully-autonomous vehicle solution to public roads. Here, Bryan Campbell sits down with one of the founding members of the group, Street Drone CEO Mike Potts to find out why he thinks a collaborative effort and open-source material is the only way forward.",8,,,
https://www.techrepublic.com/article/this-new-open-source-project-could-be-key-to-securing-database-applications/,software,This new open source project could be key to securing database applications ,Matt Asay ,Web Article,2020-08-18,TechRepublic,"Moving database applications to the cloud has been a boon for development teams anxious to move faster. It has also, however, exposed security flaws inherent in traditional security solutions, something data layer security startup Cyral has been tackling. To take this a step further, Cyral recently open sourced a project called Approzium to enable developers to better observe and secure data by themselves. ",10,,,
10.1371/journal.pone.0230697,software,Assessing the impact of introductory programming workshops on the computational reproducibility of biomedical workflows,Ariel Deardorff,Research Article,2020-08-18,PLOS ONE,"This mixed methods study consisted of in-depth interviews with 14 biomedical researchers before and after participation in an introductory programming workshop. During the interviews, participants described their research workflows and responded to a quantitative checklist measuring reproducible behaviors. While none of the workshop participants completely changed their workflows, many of them did incorporate new practices, tools, or methods that helped make their work more reproducible and transparent to other researchers. This indicates that programming workshops now offered by libraries and other organizations contribute to computational reproducibility training for researchers.",9,,,
10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007981,software,The genome polishing tool POLCA makes fast and accurate corrections in genome assemblies,"Aleksey V. Zimin, Steven L. Salzberg",Research Article,2020-08-18,PLOS Computational Biology,"In this report, Zimin and Salzberg present the assembly polishing tool POLCA (POLishing by Calling Alternatives) and compare its performance with two other popular polishing programs, Pilon and Racon. They show that on simulated data POLCA is more accurate than Pilon, and comparable in accuracy to Racon. On real data, all three programs show similar performance, but POLCA is consistently much faster than either of the other polishing programs.",5,,,
10.1371/journal.pone.0232946,software,RefShannon: A genome-guided transcriptome assembler using sparse flow decomposition,"Shunfu Mao, Lior Pachter, David Tse, Sreeram Kannan",Research Article,2020-08-18,PLOS ONE,"High throughput RNA-Seq has become a staple in modern molecular biology, with applications not only in quantifying gene expression but also in isoform-level analysis of the RNA transcripts. To enable such an isoform-level analysis, a transcriptome assembly algorithm is utilized to stitch together the observed short reads into the corresponding transcripts. This task is complicated due to the complexity of alternative splicing - a mechanism by which the same gene may generate multiple distinct RNA transcripts. Mao et al develop a novel genome-guid
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