Perfromative and Interactive Art

Session Title: Performative and Interactive Art
Date: March 23.
Attendees (who was there?): Shams , Julian, Eduardo, Leslie, Ryan, Freya, Daily, Fernan, Mariana, Alexis C Johnson, Anne Goldenberg.

Overview of topic (3-6 sentences): A discussion of the role of open hardware in art spurred on by two talking points:

  1. Crypto Dance: a choreography trying to explain cryptography to lay people
  2. DIY electronic music

Many participants are working on performance and interactive art that deals with and makes use of technology including open hardware.

  • Anne has done on Crypto Dance a choreography aimed at explaining cryptographic concepts to lay people.
  • Eduardo is working on a project in Sao Paulo, Brazil: bio-simbiosis as a metaphor in a performance art piece.
  • Alexis is in and electro-clash band and art collective: Voodoo Channel that mixes music and technology.
  • Leslie is in a Interspecies collective: OSHW for new materialism
    - e.g. bacteria and plants made into installations and musical instruments
  • Ryan Hammond is studying the history of synthetic Hormones and attempting to genetically modify plants to produce human hormones.
  • Renzo: Uniac Univerity and also making sound art:
    • e.g. improvisation sessions with technology
  • Daily:
    • Bio Hacking Safari and a documentary about bio hacking in the Amazon forest
    • using music and beats as a communication mechanism.
  • Freya: Copyriot - Law and art. Interested in the underlying data flows and the Impact on our digital future.
  • Kaspar works in the Pervasive Media Studio in Bristol, UK and sees a lot of potential for making re-usable and adaptable OSHW components to aide the artistic process.
  • Julian: an idea for open art installations, improving the documentation process
  • Shams: working with schools creating various projects and bringing them up and scaling them
    • e.g. the air tabla

A discussion on the relationship of Science and Art

  • Leslie: art feeding into and modifying science

  • Science tries to control chaos and art is almost the opposite: can there be medium between the two

  • Science will not change in our lifetime: we need to create a new Science

  • Science asks: what is profitable?

    • Kaspar objects that there is a lot of exploratory open ended science
    • Others counter that funding for such exploratory science is declining, at least in the U.S.
  • Struggle with mind of matter. In art we believe there is consciousness. Traditional science does not want to explore.

  • Harvard and Princeton are researching mindfulness and it’s effects and are just now

  • Art is a framework for the development of empirical knowledge


Improvisation session and individual performances.

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I want to share with you that I did my first performance o/
I was spouse to give a presentation about GOSH for my colleagues. I tried to write, to prepare a slide presentation, but none of this could translate the feelings, could translate my understands.
On thinking about it, I end up writing a tale, the Tale about the Science of Tomorrow. I took a native drum, like this one, played some Interspecifics song and told the Tale. People was very impressed, since no one expect that. We even repeat the presentation on the Arduino Day. I really liked people’s surprised faces.

That’s the tale:

Once Upon a time,
In the timeless planes of our mind, the Science of Yesterday.
The Science of Yesterday Owns Itself
And thought herself the owner of others too, mounted on her throne writing the truth was afraid of nothing. Of Nothing but a thing: The Prophecy.
It was afraid of the Prophecy of the Science of Tomorrow
This prophecy affirmed that among them the Science of Tomorrow, the only one with powers to overthrow it from its throne and to become the new writer of truth, erasing everything that had already been written.
The Science of Yesterday went up on the highest hill of the plain and built a fort around it. It isolated from everything that was not itself. It isolated from what was Art. It isolated from what was Emotion. It isolated from what was Traditional. It isolated from what was pseudo. It even isolated from what was Natural.
Not enough,
Was afraid that its sons and daughter could be the Science of Tomorrow. For this, invoked Arrogance from the depths of its mind. It made sure that there was an Arrogance behind every son and daughter, what would kept them from talking to each other.
What yesterday’s science did not expect
was that the prophecies are imprecise and unpredictable, As the natural world is.
What no one here expected
Is that the science of yesterday would not come on a white horse to free us from our slavery. No. The Science of Tomorrow is not something or someone. The Science of Tomorrow is in everything. In the vacuum and in the filled. Just is.
One could only think of one’s own without arrogance.
By influence of some outsiders, perhaps by their own probabilistic events, some sons and daughters decided to talk to their Arrogance and, with much patience, mutual support and a little tea, they became Arrogance in Science of Tomorrow.
They passed then
To coexist inside and outside the fort, with or without the Science of Yesterday. It is not meant to be the only one, because it is not. The Science of Tomorrow has only the will to be.

It just is.


Very beautiful, Marina. I guess you also have this in portuguese, right? I would love to read it!

Yes, sure. Each time I present it, I change it a little, as usual.
I do want to write one about the Sciences of Tomorrow, Today a Yesterday. In this, the Tomorrow would be the traditional knowledge, the knowledge that came before ours, and the Today would be, well, today’s science.

Conto do Amanhã

Era uma Vez,
nas planícies atemporais da nossa mente, a Ciência de Ontem.

A Ciência de Ontem dona de si
e achando dona dos outros também, montava em seu trono escrevia a verdade e não tinha medo de nada. De Nada a não ser uma coisa: da Profecia.

Tinha medo da Profecia da Ciência do Amanhã
essa profecia afirmava que dentre dos seus surgiria a Ciência do Amanhã, única com poderes de derrubar-lhe de seu trono e tornar-se a nova escritora da verdade, apagando tudo que já tinha sido escrito.

a Ciência de Ontem subiu no morro mais alto da planície e construiu um forte em volta de si. Isolou-se de tudo que não era si própria. Isolou-se do que era Arte. Isolou-se do que era Emoção. Isolou-se do que era Tradicional. Isolou-se do que era pseudo. Isolou-se até do que era Natural.

Não bastando,
teve medo que seus filhos e filha pudessem ser a Ciência do Amanhã. Por isso invocou das profundezas abissais da sua mente a Arrogância. Garantiu que houvesse uma Arrogância atrás de cada filho e filha que impedisse que conversassem entre si.

O que a Ciência de Ontem não esperava
é que as profecias são imprecisas e imprevisíveis. Como o mundo natural é.

O que ninguém aqui esperava
é que a ciência de ontem não viria num cavalo branco nos libertar de nossa escravidão. Não. A Ciência do Amanhã não é algo ou alguém. A Ciência do Amanhã está em tudo. No vácuo e no preenchido. Apenas é.

só poderia se pensar se a própria arrogância.

por influência de alguns forasteiros, talvez por eventos probabilísticos próprios, alguns filhos e filhas decidiram conversar com suas Arrogância e, com muita paciência, apoio mútuo e um pouco de chá, transmutaram-se Arrogância em Ciência do Amanhã.

Passaram então
a coexistir dentro e fora do forte, com ou sem a Ciência de Ontem. Não tem o objetivo de ser a única, até porque não é. A Ciência do Amanhã tem apenas a vontade de ser.
Apenas é.

Muito bonito! Obrigado!