In Spain, we are experimenting with the Openflexure Delta Stage. We are experimenting it with an FPGA board (not a Raspberry), another camera (ov7670) and different motor controllers (L293D), so I don’t know if it counts. Besides, we don’t have results yet.
Thank you so much for such an great design and for making it available!
@vektor These workshops look great. As v7 stabilises the instructions should be much easier to follow which may help! Lots of lego-style renders.
@felipe.m OpenFlexure is about customisation! I would say this not only counts, it shows the project is meeting its higher level goals.
@pablocremades Awesome photo. We do need to find a better way to learn from experiences around the world. We have the OpenFlexure forum, but maybe we should think about doing an community call or even a short online “conference”.
Hi there,
I would like to share with you a new experience using the openflexure. This time, biology students from Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEN) gave a workshop at CEFIC on stomata and how to identify them under the microscope.