GOSH 2022 SESSIONS Documentation - THURSDAY Block # 3 (01:00 pm)


*Note: As the body of each Forum Topic is limited to 32000 characters, the post of the sessions has been split in different Topics according to the Blocks originally defined in the program. This way it is better distributed and easier to manage.

Block # 3 (Thursday / Jueves, 01:00 pm)


Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 13:00
Place: Back of main room
Facilitator: MartΓ­n @martinszy
Notetaker: -


  • Bunch of people, around 4

Enemies to allies (it’s a gray area):

  • Corporations
  • Nation-states / war (eg: russia-ukraine, crisis in sri lanka, etc)
  • War
  • Neo colonialism
  • Intelectual property copyright mafia
  • Centralization of power / hierarchy

Protect common goods:

  • Open science hardware medical devices
  • Accessibility >> government subsidized really expensive devices || purchasing of goods
  • Customizability >> β€œfake” customizability, open core, expensive modules, limited modules
  • Access to information
  • Manufacturing
  • Repairability
  • International collaboration > borders, immigration policy


  • International collaboration networks for communities
  • β€œResearch” visas by GOSH like digital nomad visas with UNESCO sponsorship
  • Focus on β€œβ€β€œβ€œOPEN””" countries
  • Anti-censorship technologies
  • Project licensing, debates on GPL4 and exclusion vs compatibility
  • Project collaboration frameworks: standardization and inclusivity

Field Hardware (Camera Traps!)

Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 13:00
Place: Tapir room, back table
Video-conference: N/A
Facilitator: George, Pen, Darin, Jason
Notetaker: Josh


  • Pen
  • Darin
  • George
  • Jason
  • Harold
  • 20+ participants
  • Plan: state of the art; some ideas for hacking; and more open-ended desires for camera trapping!
  • How can you monitor a huge forest?
  • before camera traps exist, ecologists would just have to sit and observe what animals are passing by
  • camera traps can save a ton of time!
  • motion sensors (passive infrared) which triggers when an animal passes (when things are working well)
  • Usually the battery is good enough to last several months, and as long as you’ve got a good SD card then you’ll end up with lots of cool images!
  • Camera traps can help you monitor things over a long period of time; you can estimate the number of species (or even individuals); things that happen to animals, etc.
  • How do we estimate abundance?
  • presence of an animal, and the estimated distance, can be used in some abundance models to estimate the total abundance
  • estimating the distance can be quite difficult. There are various methods, e.g. using computer vision
  • what if we use two cameras, side-by-side, to give us binocular vision? using principle of parallax, two pictures taken together at the same time side-by-side can give us better estimates for animal distance
  • How do we build a parallax camera trap?
  • we don’t want to start from scratch - there are already tons of innovations (low light environment, low powered, sturdy, etc. etc.)
  • infrared sensor from one camera trap is used to trigger both cameras, side-by-side (sensor for other one is blacked out)
  • some minor electrical surgery needed to export signal trigger from one camera to another (via wire)
  • with this system, it’s not limited to this parallax setup: you can develop any special sensor that you want to use, and connect it!
  • for example you could trigger an array of camera traps, if you want to monitor a large herd of animals across a space at the same time
  • this could even be used to get a 3d scan of an animal! This could have interesting scientific applications.
  • technical details:
  • no signal conditioning
  • open drain, so that you can attach multiple
  • currently the connecting wire is exposed: could be easily damaged?
  • Other ideas:
  • what about using a small time-controlled light, which can be triggered and then detected when it appears on the animal, in order to estimate the distance? (time-of-flight)
  • what other sensors would be cool to connect?
  • hacking an existing hardware means that the scalability problem is solved: we just need to provide specs for hacking it, and then anyone can modify a device that is already widespread
  • how do we convince manufacturers to support this (i.e. not lock things down)?
  • How does a motion sensor work?
  • essentially it sees temperature: there are 4 sensors, in a square, and if there is any differences in the intensity of the detection in each of the 4 sensors (each one has focal area of a few mm) then it determines that there is some sort of motion, and thus triggers the camera to take a photo
  • how does it work with animals that don’t have body heat?
    e.g. butterflies: they block the background heat, and thus there is a temperature differential. this is why fluttering leaves can also cause false positive (triggers when there is no bodily motion)
  • can we measure eDNA at the same time?
  • Abundance models
  • Abundance estimation of unmarked animals based on camera-trap data (Gilbert et al., 2021) ← excellent article reviewing all sorts of abundance models!
  • there are certain types of abundance metrics (e.g. local abundance vs abundance inference; relative vs absolute abundance); as well as MANY other types of ecological variables that would be of interest to ecologists (i.e. not just abundance), including behavior, distribution (where you just want to know presence/absence i.e. species identification is necessary but not distance metric nor individual identification!)
  • What about other monitors?
  • there is passive acoustic monitoring, eDNA, LiDAR, etc.
  • there have been many efforts to combine these things, but in general there is not a strong literature / framework for multi-modal biomonitoring
  • Hardware specs
  • some camera traps require 6AA batteries and can last almost half a year
  • most support burst mode (e.g. 8 in a second)
  • lots of subtleties: angle of motion detection might be wider than camera angle;
  • visible light illumination (not used commonly); and ultra-red illumination
  • How do we turn Harold’s parallax camera setup into something that any ecologist can use?

Relevant links:
- Building nursery 2.0 | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Art & Science

Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 13:15
Place: outside tables
Social media links and hashtags:


  • Gourav
  • Linda
  • Gabriel
  • Elio
  • Bri
  • Rajas
  • Dorry
  • Rachel
  • Goldjian
  • 11


– Alexandra: embeded engineer β†’ loves pcbs and art
– Gourav: syntetic biology
– Linda: Data analyst β†’ colorful graphs/Canva
– Gabriel: Student β†’ Graphic design
– Student β†’ art class
– Elio: PHD in bioengineering β†’ structures of insects
– Bri: Community coordinator Gosh β†’ drag performer
– Rajas: Bioengineer β†’ diploma in animation
– Valeria: industrial engineering β†’ kids courses
– Dorry: software engineering β†’ performing arts
– Rachel: hackuarium β†’ presenting your data artistically
– Mada: electronics engineering β†’ drawing/photography


PCBs are hidden in the final product, so usually they are plain/boring with no special designs.
Molas are quite similar to PCBs, you need to go through layers to expose the ones that work for you.

Art & PCBs
Hands-on experiment to understand how PCBs are designed. Every participant gets 3 sticky notes, each one representing one layer of the PCB:

PCB layers
Base - pink
blue - copper
green - solder mask

Exercise for creating PCB
Done is better than perfect
Rajas: PFB: printed flower board (one of the project created by a participant was a flower form)
Everybody would be curious to actually try to do PCBs after this exercise

kicad β†’ the place to start learning PCBs

Where are PCBs made?
Usually in China because it is cheaper
There are some other local ones in Europe and US (example: EuroCircuits, OSHPark)

How do we use art and science to empower our communities?
Projects made by students in Kenya:

LED bracelets: Aulas Creativas on Instagram: "Β‘Hicimos nuestros propios brazaletes LED! 🀩 . En este taller aprendimos de manera divertida cΓ³mo funciona la energΓ­a elΓ©ctricaπŸ”‹βš‘οΈy construimos brazaletes con pilas y luces LED✨ . Estuvimos muy contentos del entusiasmo y las ganas que le pusieron para que sus pulseras funcionen πŸŽŠπŸ’― . Β‘Gracias @cultura.miraflores por darnos este espacio para esta experiencia tan divertida! . #steam #k12 #educaciΓ³n #led"

Art in STEAM education

Workshops or education experiences that the participants had:
Electro Luminescent paint (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUUupR-ongs)
It is a way to attract more people/ young people to the field
Collective empowerment for repairs
Bio lego pieces that the students need to auction for with fake money. With the pieces they needed to build a solution to a problem
Leading students to publish peer reviewed studies
Using the laser cutter in classes in highschool
UNICEF workshop: 3D printing with recycled plastic

Public Policy

Date: 2022-10-28
Time: 13:15
Place: -
Facilitator: Guillermina
Notetaker: Alison

Participants (4)

  • Guillermina
  • Alison
  • David
  • Mario

Key points:
- Local governments
- Funding without framing too much
- Communicating
Open Science Policies

  • Argentina
    Law OA & OD
    Program funding OD
  • US
    Bill OD & CD
  • Infrastructure
  • Projects
    Legal Frameworks
  • Legislation
  • IP

Open hardware

  • What to do with limited resources
  • How to connect community/open spaces with academia?
    Community spaces/grassroots initiatives
  • Connecting funding schemes and mechanisms
  • Funding spaces without conditioning results - open innovation
    Academic institutions
  • β€œFast grants”, narratives and stories, exemplary cases
  • Public purpose, general interest
  • Acknowledge current practitioners in academia (publishing?)
    Technology development disciplines/areas
    Hardware for disciplines/research areas
    β€œIndirect” funding - grants are being used to contribute to OSH/OH projects

New institutions!
Open collectives!

Maker / Hacker Spaces

Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 13:20
Place: Γ‘eque
Social media links and hashtags: #makerspace #hackerspace
Facilitator: Clint Martin
Notetaker: Clint Martin


  • Ernesto
  • JoaquΓ­n
  • Amanda Matthes
  • Alejandro

The main takeaway is that we should use the GOSH community/network to recruit GOSH Ambassadors to present some kind of OSH demo at local maker spaces to illustrate the community benefits of the movement. If the demo were standardized, potentially it could also be a shorter, lower-risk curricular unit for teachers to present to demonstrate possibility to students.

The group felt that there should be more maker spaces, more used, more frequently. They feel that costs, liability, and limited funding were a barrier. We discussed various ways of showcasing and funding maker/hackerspaces: pop-ups as a demo, a road map for incrementally building a makerspace + community from free materials to a developed facility independently sustaining staff. Funding could come from a variety of sources; prototyping as a service, β€œmake-sales”, public-private ventures. Showing OSH related science & education externalities could fund proposals.


Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 13:30 hs
Place: Table outside
Facilitator: Pablo Cremades
Notetaker: Lara Jatar

Participants (5)

  • Lenin - Research Gate: Lenin Rueda Torres
  • Byron
  • D
  • Minhea

- Standardize
- Support trust
- Government Adoption
- Calibration
Quality assurance of parts
- Reproducibility

We are going to interview people who have experience with software. We take 15 minutes to think the questions together:
1. Are user o developer?
2. Do you know about any community development on the QA/QC system?
3. Do you have any type of benchmarks?
4. Whether you have like a solid calibration process?
5. How to ensure a long term support?

- Mihnea (Responsable: Lara)
- Lara (Responsable: Byron)
- Tamara (Responsable: Lenin)
- Amanda (Responsable: Pablo)
- Nico (Responsable: Lenin)
- Harold (Responsable: Pablo)
- George (Responsable: Byron)
- Pierre (Responsable: Lenin)

Mode: Audio
1. Most of the people we found were developers or developers+users.
2. QA/QC: group fair; DinSpec; OSHWA (only one person knows about).
3. Benchmarks: Nobody has a bencharm system documentation.
4. Calibration: there a few projects that have well documented calibration process
5. Long Term Support: documentation, forum of faq, use long term support components.

- We are not in a good current state of QA/QC. Most people know nothing about QA/QC related to open source hardware.

- Audio: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OUih3Rvnb0SiEgedW7VTG-6qR9ObNYY2
- ImΓ‘genes: -

Developing electronics with SenseCAP Kit from Seeed CC

Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 16:30
Place: Γ‘eque
Facilitator: Mario De Los Santos
No. Participants: 13

Using the senseCAP K1100 to develop an IoT environmental monitoring station using the sensors available in the kit, the user will be able to choose the sensors to use following the workshop’s objectives. The workshop will demonstrate the versatility of the K1100 equipment for Internet of things for good projects, where the participants will be able to orient the environmental monitoring to the desired field.

Develop an IoT solution prototype for environmental and wildlife conservation
Record and send data to the cloud using Ubidots.
Send data using Helium through senseCAP M2 using LoRA.Using a no-code alternative SenseCraft.

The idea of sending SenseCraft to the end of the workshop is to remark on the bonhomie of the platform to create a project in just minutes compared with the code development. That would help us to expose the system more.

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I developed this method some time ago and just revisited and improved.

I don’t think β€œkicad” is where to start… but it’s where you end!

And combining it with etching the boards yourself can be a mind-blowing experience! it’s easy!


Hi @dusjagr!
Thanks for linking this great experience, I remember when it started in Chile!
I’ll check it out and see if I can replicate some related experience over the summer!

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