This happens August 3-9, Puebla, Mexico. Anyone participating in the Fab Lab International Conference and Fab City Summit?

The call for Research Papers is still open until June 30th.

Similar to the previous Fab23 Bhutan Challenge, I’ll be part of the FabCity Challenge but this time taking on “BiodiverCities: Reinventing boundaries in coexistence”. My approach to this is “citizen science” inspired of course by the many GOSH ideas, projects, and people so I will be looking to link up people and networks through related projects where possible.

There’s also the FabCity Summit Yucatan event happening soon after 10-15 August.

Please do reply with ideas, suggestions, potential link-ups, and of course if you’re joining any of the events I’d love to meet you over Mexican coffee.

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Thanks so much for sharing, this is amazing ! I will def submit something because it would be a great opportunity to continue my research with sessions on AIFutures sharing my OpenScienceHardware provotypes to discuss the futures we want ! I would love to connect and see if we could perhaps work on something together also in the time towards the event ? As part of my research/work I am looking how we can do better with engaging and sharing knowledge with communities who are not involved but directly impacted by AI innovations, and OScH can help with this ! I’ve done some prep work in Mexico and would love to come back and do some more . Best Freyja