Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 - part hybrid meeting submissions due 2024-01-15

FYI, the Edinburgh Open Research Conference 2024 is coming up on 29 May 2024 in, well, Edinburgh, Scotland. The meeting is partially hybrid with some remote participation, and part in-person.

Submissions for presentations, workshops, posters are open until 15 January 2024 here:


I suspect attendees will be mostly (50+%) from the UK, but they’re trying to be international, too.

@briannaljohns and I gave an introduction to GOSH at their 2023 meeting (Zenodo link), and got some good feedback. I also found it to be a very interesting and stimulating crowd. I know that it’s location in a Minority World country is sadly not very accessible. But for those who can make it online or in person, I recommend it!


Getting errors if I use HTTPS due to a self signed certificate. @hpy Do you know the team to let them know there are SSL issues?

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Haha @julianstirling I like how we think alike, because I also noticed this lack of HTTPS problem!!! :sweat_smile:

Indeed I know a couple people on their organising team, and intend to raise a bug report. Thanks for noticing!

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Hi everyone, I am excited that ai am here and going to present about Open Source MRI during the lighting talks session 11:15-11:45 UK time today.