We have the pleasure to communicate you that from 16 to 23 of October Biotranslab from Pin and The Foundry establishes a collaboration to run the event Eco-LogicQueerEnergy harvesting.The project is possible thanks to the support of GOSH, an network for develop and disseminate projects based on Open Source hardware for Science.
Eco-Logic Queer Energy harvesting
We are now in November, I will summarized the event here through some final pictures of the parts and then down on the threat I will explain in detail what it concerns for the how to guided tour.
The event aims at addressing the lack of women, queer, trans and diversity in technological fields in general and hacking more specifically. But even more so, it aims at creating a community that critically assesses the hegemonic narratives around technologies, the modernity aspects of its underlining Western assumptions and its inherent capitalist inflections, among others.
The main purpose of the event istodevelop kits that focus on interacting with the natural environmenton the field of energy…themain objectivelies on harvesting energy of the natural environment,throughwindturbines.These power kits will be scalable and can be used both as pedagogical material and to set up site-specific power plants in different sites as well. There is a counter-infrastructural component to this work: one possible consequence would be toemancipatepeople to generate their own energy instead of relying on large and often extractive companies.
Good question ! At the moment I create a let,s say local/European hackers friends that would be I tested in telegram. Not sure that we can afford to pay external travels as there is a small grant. But if you can come by you own would be nice.
Let.s see how it evolve but for sure is open to everyone. . . We have 5300 it not too much but for the first prototyping session will work.
If everyone has useful links or recommendations of models we will be happy to see them. At the moment I.m mostly research some models that are functional, is going to be a hardwork / hardglam we like ! Would love to have our own electronic designs, so probably some inverse engineering should be perform .
We need to figure out how we do the registration for join at the space
hello !
We have more things clear related with the kind of turbine we are going to build, is going to be related with the Hugh Piggot ones. We will continue working and sharing here Eco-Logic Queer Energy Harvesting - Hackteria Wiki
We are open to suggestions and ideas, but we decide to use that reference as there is already a huge work behind, so now queering the tech !
hello to everyone !
I will start to document the long process of the prototyping the Hugh Piggott The Piggott Turbine – Wind Empowerment model of an Open source wind turbine. We were changing a bit the goals of the event from developing small kits to going to build the real 2m size wind turbine to provide energy to the rural regional areas we were working on. In that specific event we were working at The Foundry a nice project and association that we have settled on the north part of Galicia into the Northwest of Spain.
we chose this model because I think I a real one for many layers of interest:
open source one
really rich on the pedagogical level, we were really learning through the complete building of the generator itself, about many topics as :
wood carving
sculpting and casting pieces
and much more that was reaching through the nice process of learning reading and building together.
Because of the complexity involved on the realization of the full assembly of the wind turbine we were thinking to divide the documentation in 3 different sections.
Section 1, involves the construction of the devices that will help on the creation of the power generator.
1.1 wiring coil device
1.2 mold to cast the rotor and the stator of the motor
Section 2, involves the construction of the turbine parts using the devices we were building on the section 1.
2.1 coil making using the wiring coil device from section 1
2.2 stator and rotor casting using the molds from section 1
Section 3, involves the craving of the blades and the welding of the base for the turbine generator.
3.1 Making the blades
3.2 Welding the base to support.
here you can see better the parts involved on the chosen model in our case we will use two rotors instead of only one cos of the specifications and the size of the copper wire we will use besides the kind of magnets we chose in our case the ferrite ones because they are more ecological and cheaper ones.
I will show now the pictures of the 3 sections and the name of each part to make it clear, so I’m trying this at least.
cool! Some of us (like @hpy ) aren’t able to easily view videos on instagram, so if you get a chance and can also link to the videos on something like youtube or peertube or internet archive, we would love to see! (@hpy might have suggestions too for video places!)
Right, was also. Ot on insta until two months ago, I will put them in archive and them move at some point to youtube. Nice to see all the process, I was not having time yet to see the other regional projects.