Documenting a framework for organizing GOSH events

Hi all,

It seems like a life ago, but by the end of the last GOSH global event in 2018, we discussed the need of decentralizing, promoting more regional GOSH events. This was due to a number of reasons, mostly related to GOSH growing so much it was difficult to keep things running the same way.

Events have been central and essential to the establishment and development of GOSH as a community, so back then some of us started discussing… How to empower people to effectively run GOSH events in their local contexts, while preserving the values and energy of larger GOSH gatherings?

To achieve that, we are now documenting a framework for future regional events, which we believe is a key piece for enabling newcomers to grow GOSH locally.

Steps in the process we are following include:

  • We drafted an outline of the framework based on the experience and documentation of events held to date,
  • We are hosting a writing sprint in April 2021 to build on the draft outline and collaboratively map out the documentation we need, with inputs from previous organizers and participants (as mentioned in this previous post)
  • The workshop will help us to map out milestones remaining to publish our work
  • We will further illuminate the process with interviews, check Marcela’s post for more info and invitations
  • As the document reaches a stable state, we will put in place maintenance and governance processes designed to allow community members to maintain a living document, adding comments and suggestions.

You can find the goals of the workshop and the temptative outline in this doc, feel free to comment. We’ll be posting our progress to the forum in order to invite broader participation, suggestions and comments

These workshops are convened by GOSH community members, funded by Alfred P Sloan Foundation and coordinated by Gathering for Open Science Hardware Inc, a US-based nonprofit.


Hi everyone,

I would like to share that the GOSH Framework for Running Community Events has been published! You can read more about it and access the pdf on this page of the GOSH website.

As @jarancio mentioned in the post above, there is a living document of the framework (currently this Google Doc, which is a replica of the model documentation minus GOSH profiles), and we will keep this forum thread as the holding place for future edits to the document. You can also leave comments on the Google Doc as well.
