Depth Sensing Technologies for Camera Traps

We briefly chatted about this thread’s topic in today’s GOSH Community Call. Thank you everyone pllus @hikinghack, @laola, and @dusjagr for coming!

@hikinghack shared a link to the ESP-32 based DIY camera trap (archived link).

@dusjagr’s group is thinking of a real time wild bear detection system. The idea is that a camera trap would trigger a warning for a village when a bear comes into range. I suggested that since this requires a real time response, the camera trap needs to send its images to a separate device that does onboard automatic recognition of the animal’s species. If it’s a bear, then it would send a warning to the village.

Interesting ideas!

That said, I’d love to hear more of your feedback on how to design a camera trap with depth-sensing abilities. With it, we can use the spatial data from these images to estimate animal populations.