"Building an FM transmitter" - Mentor meetings notes

This thread will be used to document the exchanges between mentor & mentee of the project Building an FM transmitter, @Chardso .

After each meeting you can add your notes as a reply to this thread, so you can have all your notes in one place. Remember the forum is a public place, don’t document any personal information.

Here’s a suggested format for taking notes, feel free to copy and paste with your notes for each meeting.

Mentor meeting 1

  • Date:
  • Attendees:


  1. Recap from previous meeting (or expectations & goals if this is your 1st meeting)
  2. This week’s assignments: questions, doubts, challenges?
  3. Timeline: are we on track?
  4. Contacting experts: do we need help?
  5. Any other questions or comments?

Actions for next meeting


  • 21/march/2022


  • Mentor:Mr Solomon Tash
  • Mentee; Wafela Andrew (chardso)


  • introduction(self)
  • introduction of the project
  • discuss challenges in carrying out hardware projects
  • Mentee introduction to OHM curriculum.
  • Mentee advised to follow a curriculum in order to carry out assignments incase of any
  • Advised to attend all his cohort calls.


  • 12/April/2022


  • Mentor:Mr Andreas
  • Mentee:Chardso

Time:12:00am Ugandan time


  • challenges faced by the Mentee in the project
  • Mentee pointed out challenges such as data, materials like capacitors, transistors, resistors and tools.
  • The mentor suggested the Mentee to write down the challenges and send to OHM management,hope some support can be got.

Goal for the next weeks before the 4th corhot call.

  • Mentee to follow up and do the missed assignments
  • To prepare building an open project in the 4th cohort call.

Yes I am trying to catch up,let me start my assignments.