2024 GOSH Governance Plan for Seating the 4th Community Council

Hello GOSH Community,

I am excited to share the 2024 GOSH Governance Plan for Seating the 4th GOSH Community Council! It also includes a timeline for introducing the draft Community Constitution for consideration. The plan was built on the last year’s governance plan and edited by the GOSH Community Council and community members working on the GOSH Constitution.

You can read the plan here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TG_c55Ui-27ttyOU79dhjSMzh3TLXCKsXRgmjnfJEyg/edit?usp=sharing

The 2024 election process has now started!

Bri (Election Secretary for 2024 GOSH Community Council Election)


Hi all,

I wanted to let you all know that there has been a slight change to the election administration procedure regarding the voting platform. The platform we typically use, star.vote, is being phased out as the star.vote team is building a new and better platform. The team advised me to use instead dev.star.vote to host our election this year, which still utilizes the same STAR voting system as star.vote; the only difference is that it is just a different website with a different layout.

I have updated the GOSH election administration procedure to include this updated version of the election platform administration protocol which shows the steps needed to make an election on dev.star.vote. I also sent this to our independent observer @cizolnier, who has not raised any concerns about the change.

Just a heads up on this change!
