Wood chipping,shepper, and agroforestry in Brazil


For circumvented reasons*, I got to look into agroforestry in Brazil. I saw that people then need (expensive) wood chippers and I was wondering whether someone would be working on open source wood chippers/shredders, or know an open hardware community in Brazil who could be interested in helping building maybe cheaper, easier to repair wood chippers ?

.* I was backing a crowdsource project at Agroforst, DIE Lösung! — Crowdfunding bei wemakeit, I wrote them and they directed me to some videos from https://www.cepeas.org, where they explain their use of chippers: Episódio 10 - Preparo da área para o plantio - YouTube

Hi Julien,
Open Source Ecology seemed to work on it, see Chipper Hammermill and Steam Powered Wood Chipper. Not much at first glance, but perhaps…

Please let me in case you find anything - there is an open-source seminar on Biochar and PyCCS at TU Berlin, whose students might be interested in wood chipping hardware as well.

Thanksalot and good luck!