[We want to hear from you!] GOSH 2018 Programme: Unconferences, Topic Sessions, Workshops, Social events

/////////////// UPDATE ///////////////
The final program is now on the website!

We do still have an actively edited program doc with lots more details, but the website program has the finalized times and structure. Thanks all who contributed comments, thoughts, and ideas over the last few months!
/////////////// END UPDATE ///////////////

Hi all,

The Global Open Science Hardware (GOSH) movement seeks to reduce barriers between diverse creators and users of scientific tools to support the pursuit and growth of knowledge.

Our goal is to create and facilitate focused and productive discussion groups, allowing everyone to participate, strengthen and extend the open science hardware community, moving forward our vision of a world where Open Science Hardware is ubiquitous, accessible, ethical. As a community, we build on each other’s work rather than work in isolation. That’s why we have community champions, not a central authority. You can read more about these values in our manifesto.

Regarding gatherings, we take an approach for sharing experiences and co-production of knowledge that involves mostly a format of Unconferencing, complemented by a selection of Topic Sessions, specific time to plan how to action the Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap, and mentored Hands-On Workshops.

Before GOSH 2018

To curate a space where everyone is able to provide input, share and learn from each other GOSH asks you, prior to the event:

  • To review the Global Open Science Hardware Manifesto
  • To review the Global Open Science Roadmap

In accepting your place at GOSH, you agreed to the Code of Conduct, which we will review together in Shenzhen.

Pre-GOSH 2018 meetups

There will be activities going on before GOSH, as some GOSHers will be around Shenzhen.

This pre GOSH week seeks to facilitate a space for members to share, compare and work together around similar ideas; aiming to build up a meaningful ecosystem. Learn more about Pre-GOSH in this thread and this one.

At GOSH 2018

We’ll begin GOSH with framing sessions that help us understand how open science hardware and the GOSH community has evolved and our values, including the role of equity in our interactions and community building. There will also be brief facilitation training for all attendees so that we can collectively manage our shared time and space.

Unconference Sessions

Unconference sessions (70’) allow participants to take control of the conference. We will propose and design the agenda together, and run the sessions ourselves. This enables peer-to-peer learning, collaboration and diverse session types and topics.

To achieve this, we will use a methodology called Open Space Technology. We find it’s suitable for our discussions, that usually require diverse kinds of expertise to come together to exchange and pool resources in order to make progress.

There are a few principles that make this type of spontaneous group interaction work (taken from PublicLab Barnraisings):

  • Every person here is the right person - Whatever gets done will be done by us, or not at all.
  • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have - Change the people, time, place, or purpose, and something different will result.
  • Be Prepared to be surprised! - Heighten your sensitivity to the opportunities at hand, whatever they may be!
  • Whenever it starts is the right time - When creativity, and real learning are involved, things will start when they are ready, and whenever they start is the right time. In fact, when the creative learning moment arrives, it seems to create its own time.
  • When it’s Over it’s Over - The creative moment has a nasty habit of occurring very quickly, and just because the session or meeting was scheduled to take two hours is no reason to sit around and waste time after the moment has passed.
  • The Law of Mobility - You are free to come and go from sessions as you like.

Do you have an idea for an Unconference session? Suggest it or show your support to someone else’s idea (see end of post for how-to)

Hands-on Workshops

Workshops will take the equivalent in time of three Unconference slots and demand buying materials (we have some limited budget allocated for this). This is why we need to plan the activities in advance.

Do you have an idea for a hands-on workshop? Suggest it or show your support to someone else’s idea (see end of post for how-to)

Topic Sessions

Topic sessions are discussions that, for different reasons, the community considers relevant enough to be in the program prior to the gathering.

The topic is introduced via short talks followed by a facilitated discussion aimed to identify actions to be addressed by members of the community.

Considering that after GOSH 2017 the community came up with a Roadmap towards 2025, GOSH 2018 Organizing Committee suggests the following Topic Sessions.

  • DAY 1: LEARN
    Quality monitoring and evaluation - Contextualized Metrics - Enhancing design

    GOSH sustainability in the future - Global vs regional gatherings - Volunteer work

  • DAY 3: GROW
    Scaling: Meanings and ways of scaling - Growing diverse & local


What do you think about the suggested topic sessions? Feel free to propose modifications or add ideas below (same thread)!

Implementing GOSH Roadmap

During GOSH last day we will dedicate some time to reflect on the discussions from the Topic Sessions through the lens of the Roadmap. We think is important to start defining main actions to be taken by all of us in order to push our vision forward.

Social events

We have some ideas regarding visits during the evenings at GOSH 2018:

  • Visit to SZOIL and surrounding innovation park
  • Factory Tour - OpenTrons
  • Visit to X-factory
  • Visit to Huaqiangbei Electronics Market
  • Visit/Mentoring session with Brinc
  • Visit to Litchee Lab

Do you have an idea for a visit or social event? Suggest it or show your support to someone else’s idea (see end of post for how-to)

In brief, we want to hear from you!

  1. Vote/Suggest Unconference sessions in this spreadsheet, tab “Unconference

  2. Vote/Suggest Hands-on Workshops in this spreadsheet, tab “Workshops

  3. Vote/Suggest Social events in this spreadsheet, tab “Social events

How to suggest? Add a line with your idea & your name after the last entry in any of the tabs

How to vote? Add your name in a column next to the session/workshop/event of your preference (or next to the previous GOSHer who voted, I put mine as an example)

  1. Discuss/Suggest Topic Sessions in this forum topic, below :slight_smile:

  2. Can you help with facilitation techniques (for 100 people), documentation or anything else? Let us know by email to organizers@openhardware.science

Tagging people who said were interested in collaborating with the programme: @amchagas @MakerTobey @juanpedro.maestre @nanocastro @marinappdf @biomakers_lab @laola @jorgeappiah @dornawcox @ShamsJaber


Thanks @jarancio for this summarizing work! It was a very good job.

I found the Topic Sessions well balanced: they mean something and are still broad to cover a lot of issues. It would be possible to be more specific in the different areas: would that be the idea right now? Maybe it is good to keep it broad and narrow it during conversation. What do you think?

About the Workshops, what is the duration estimated for the sessions?

Finally concerning the Unconference: the idea is to brainstorm right now and during the event either, right? I find it a special moment.

Warming up!

Hi @leosehn!

Thanks but it was a work of the whole organiser’s group, I’m just posting it :slight_smile:

We think Topic Sessions should be defined previous the gathering, we proposed some broad topics to be narrowed in discussion with all of us here in the forum. So yes, if within that umbrella you know of someone in the community who can give a short talk, or have a concrete idea to discuss, that’s what we need! Start narrowing it.

Workshops would take 3 unconference slots, so 2h10’ approx.

Unconference sessions can be proposed now or during the event, but if you can think of some now, great!

Sounds Great. I have proposed a workshop on LoRaWAN :slight_smile:

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Buenas! So thanks to all!

Now I got it, the idea is to start with talks. If it is of interest I could give a talk mainly about documentation culture, based on experiences of CTA, bringing the example of the EMM project and also talk about the experience with EITCHA. I could make the relation between those experiences and cases to the GOSH Roadmap/Compass actions.

I see documentation much inserted in the LEARNING area, but the relation to sustainability made to SUPPORT makes sense either. I think is good to exercise this lack of boundaries between areas, like when you pointed “Local events” in SUPPORT instead of GROW, which also makes sense.

So in this first movement, I think I would explicitly include only “documentation” or “documentation culture” in the LEARN or SUPPORT areas. And would start thinking about what quality we want to monitor and evaluate, which is related to the metrics. It is very strong that we have dedicated ourselves to recognize and manifest which are our values, so words like “Quality” and “Enhance” can have a deeper meaning. I think we can start to make this connections even clearer.

Many thoughts on all of that, but they can wait a bit.


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Hi everyone,

GOSH 2018 is coming soon and we must define a program. Here is a first draft schedule made by the organisers.

Please make suggestions, comments, improvements, come up with new ideas, etc. Also if you have any question please leave it as a reply in this thread.


Well thought schedule… I’ll like to have a slot to talk about our report on the open hardware movement going on in Nigeria and how we are infusing the GOSH roadmap to it… Will this be possible? If Yes how do I go about it?


Thanks a lot for the good job done, but I think each day should include talk show in the unconference session, to show what individual have been doing to promote our community since gosh is also about the improvement of our community. Hope to see you guys soon. Thanks


Am keen on an unconference on Young Maker Education - do others have any interest in this?

The program makes sense, it didn’t occur to me add or change anything. Only one small comment:

  • A 10 minutes break is unrealistic, it just won’t happen. There is no enougth time to pee, breath and grabb somehing to eat. This will delay the other activivies, i believe it’s better to plan a 20 min break, so it will turn out to be a 30 min (that’s what I usually do . . .)

We are currently rearranging some aspects of the program and thanks for all the inputs!

As i personally don’t really know how to read lists… we made this more visual representation of the GOSH program.

As you can see, most of the program is reserved for unconference and self-organized discussions and workshops.

Also let’s start to thing and coordinate what to do before GOSH, in a more informal setting and where and what to do after…

There is for example MakerFaire SZ coming up 1 week after our event. and we can try to hook some of our participants up to stay longer and actively participate there aswell. more soon.


Super hyped about GOSH. See you all soon :smiley:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: pre-GOSH: Collaborative Fabrication Meetings

Hello, all!

Please let us know if you intend to facilitate a workshop at GOSH 2018. If you would like to request a budget to do so, please fulfill this form until September 16th and we will let you know the budget you’ll have available:


Thank you very much!


The final program is now on the website!

While we do still have an actively edited program doc with lots more details, the website program does have the finalized times and structure. Thanks all who contributed comments, thoughts, and ideas over the last few months.


Some session ideas:

  • Responsible use of open source science hardware
  • Open source as a competitive advantage
  • Who decides at GOSH, transparent finances, democratic decision making
  • GOSHx distributed models (geographic or topic based)
  • Open source hardware for cutting edge science (eg. OpenQubit)
  • Neurodiversity at GOSH
  • Stimming Session (bring your fidgets and sensory toys)
  • Hacking open / reverse engineering / writing open software for existing science hardware (eg. hacking HiSeq next level sequencing machines)
  • Institution hacking (eg. how to invite my GOSH friends to give a lecture at my university, how to get funds to work on open harware)
  • Open source science wet-ware

+1 for @gaudi’s:

  • Open source hardware for cutting edge science (eg. OpenQubit)
  • Hacking open / reverse engineering

How about as well:

  • science education in the context of open hardware
    sure, we are aware that OScH is about education and informal learning in every possible sense but outsiders may have a different view or don’t make this connection immediately. The relevance of open hardware to education should be more stressed and pointed out, but how? (in particular in the context of ‘Open Educational Resources’ (OER), which is an established thing but could mean so much more than just worksheets and open books if educators & respective policy makers would only know about OScH)

Hello, all!

Recently we had our PRE-GOSH movement in CTA. We heated up to GOSH 2018 in order to give our contribution as a community and point out some aspects we perceive as important ones to reach our common goal of a strong Global Open Science Hardware community.

We made our brainstorm (or "Toró de Ideias in Portuguese) during the meeting of September 28th that you can check on our CTA forum. We had post its and motivated people, so we had all we needed and a lot of fun! Check out our collaboration to community distributed contributions to unconferences topics at GOSH:


  • Colaborative Learning
  • Educational orientation of projects (for emancipation) x Impact of the projects
  • Communitary/citizen/civic Science
  • Free Software usage in the physics teaching
  • Communitary emancipation


  • Documentation Culture
  • Latin America movement
  • TECNOx
  • Groups Sustainability → Organization/Management
  • Scenarios agains traditional academic research model
  • Mental health in academy


  • Science Internationalization (no colonialism)
  • Alternatives to animal tests in science
  • Possibility of a free and responsible social network/media
  • Data Exploitation/Extrativism
  • Science to whom?
  • Equity
  • How do tecnological evolution impacts the social well beong and the jobs market?
  • Data giants and free and open source technologies

HAL Production

  • Workforce to produce hardware
  • Environmental impacts of hardware production
  • Fabrication in China
  • Open Slow Science
  • Lowtech
  • “Agroecologic” Mining and Fabrication
  • Open source tools for development


  • Biohacking
  • Infrastructure to Free and Open Source Biotechnology
  • Free Alternatives to genetic sequencing and DNA sythesis
  • Free and Open Source Biotechnology Lab Implementation
  • Biodesign and Bioart (interaction of science and art)