[Virtual panel discussion] Low-Cost and Open Source Tools: Next Steps for Science and Policy

Hello GOSH! Extending an invitation to a Feb 1 virtual panel on low-cost and open source tools for science, hosted by the Wilson Center’s Science and Technology Innovation Program.

Find more information and RSVP here: Low-Cost and Open Source Tools: Next Steps for Science and Policy | Wilson Center


Hi All

A quick boost for this post for anyone who would like to attend this event, happening today!

This is a follow on from a workshop that several GOSH community members attended. You can also check out the great series of posts on open hardware and open science hardware on the Journal of Open Hardware Medium page, here is a roundup and summary of the main messages.



Foldable and 3D printed microscopes are broadening access to the life sciences, low-cost and open microprocessors are supporting research from cognitive neuroscience to oceanography, and low-cost and open sensors are measuring air quality in communities around the world. In these examples and beyond, the things of science–the physical tools that generate data or contribute to scientific processes–are becoming more inexpensive and more open.

Recent developments, including those related to the extraordinary COVID-19 response by maker and DIY communities, have demonstrated the value of low-cost and open-source hardware for addressing global challenges. These developments build on the capacity held by individual innovators and community-based organizations, as well as government and policy initiatives that have spanned at least two presidential administrations. When considering past developments, where are we today? As we move into a new presidential administration, what are the possible futures for low-cost and open tools for science that enable elevated impact on science and society?


3:30 Welcome

  • Alison Parker, Senior Program Associate, Science & Technology Innovation Program, The Wilson Center

3:40 Keynote Speech: Perspectives from the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation

  • Ana Persic, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

3:55 Panel: The progress and promise of low-cost and open tools for accelerating science and addressing challenges

  • Meghan McCarthy, Program Lead, 3D Printing and Biovisualization, NIH/NIAID at Medical Science & Computing (MSC)
  • Gerald “Stinger” Guala, Earth Sciences Division, Science Mission Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • Zac Manchester, The Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
  • Moderator: Anne Bowser, Deputy Director, Science & Technology Innovation Program, The Wilson Center

4:45 Closing Remarks: What’s Next?

  • Shannon Dosemagen, Open Environmental Data Project