Introducing OScH cyclers to UNSAM
Main outputs:
- Translated PocketPCR guide to Spanish, and added a bit of content: Guia PocketPCR en Español.docx - Google Docs
- The idea was very welcome by University profressors at IIBio-UNSAM.
- Dr. Marcela Brocco and her team have led the first round of assemblies, and tested the cyclers against their standard equipment with equivalent results. Find pictures below!
- There will be a workshop involving a total of four professors by the end of June, where your’s truly will also attempt to convey the awesomeness of OScH and GOSH.
- They have already committed to use the cyclers in their university courses. This means that over a hundred undergraduate students, will become aware of and use open source science hardware for the first time, each year.
Description of the results (Spanish ahead): En el gel. Las dos últimas calles son positivo y negativo con la cicladora OScH y las dos anteriores, lo mismo pero con una cicladora convencional. Hay chorreado porque pusieron mucho templado, pero da igual en las dos corridas.
Reading the manual.
Finalizing assembly.
Adding a bit of mineral Oil (whatever that is made of) on top of the PCR mix.
Next steps
Depending on further feedback and requirements from the professors, we might:
- Manufacture units locally.
- Solder and program the heated lid to replace the mineral oil (the circuits are there but they are not connected for some reason).
- Hopefully inspire the university to invest in more OScH for teaching and doing science.
Thanks GOSH for your support, and congrats to everyone for your achievements!