Update on the selection process for potential GOSH Gathering hosts

Hello everybody!

During the months of December and January the GWG (Gathering Working Group) has held meetings with representatives of the organizations that have expressed interest in potentially hosting the next GOSH Gathering, some of whose expressions of interest can be followed in this other thread.
We will soon enter the selection phase and would like to hear in the coming days how the GOSH community would like to be involved in the venue selection process.
Please share your thoughts on this topic in this thread :point_down:.

Thanks for your participation!


Hola Laura
It would be nice to read the notes of the last Gathering working group meeting just to understand better who are the potential hosts. It is difficult to learn/say something from just the thread you mention.
Or maybe you just can summarize where is the Group standing now


Good point @nanocastro ! We are compiling the information we gathered of the potential hosts for being shared soon. Thanks for your comment!


Hi, do you have an idea of around what dates the next gathering would be?

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Hi @axbaldwin,

The Gathering WG is in the process of finalizing the location for the next Gathering, and in the coming weeks, we should have more information on where and when it will take place :slight_smile:

Be sure to keep an eye out on the forum for more details!

As posted in this new thread:

We have finally found a fantastic partners and looking into approx May 2025 to be able to host gathering in Indonesia, together with Fab Lab Bali.

@nanocastro to your question, yes, it’s been a challenge on how and why to engage the wider community in our selection process. took us many meetings and more than 4 months to be able to go through that process. And from this learning, we’d love to write up some experiences and have suggestions for the future to be prepared and presented BEFORE the next GOSH. So ideally we could discuss this more broadly in upcoming threads here too.