September community call: presentation on FreeMoCap project, updates from the GOSH council, and more!

The GOSH community calls are back! Be sure to attend the upcoming call on 29 September from 13:00 - 14:00 UTC.

This community call will feature a presentation from @jonmatthis on The FreeMoCap Project, a free open source markerless motion capture system for decentralized science, education, and art. The presentation will be followed by community updates and announcements from the GOSH Community Council.

Interested in presenting at an upcoming call? Fill out this form!

Information for joining calls:

Join the calls via this link.

The calls are also available on the GOSH community calendar.

I’ll be sharing an agenda for this meeting next week :slight_smile:

Read more about GOSH community calls here.

More on the FreeMoCap Project:

The FreeMoCap system leverages cutting edge machine learning (ML) driven markerless motion capture (mocap) software (e.g. MediaPipe, DeepLabCut, etc) to create a easy-to-use pipeline for tracking full-body 3d movements of humans, animals, or other objects. In addition to providing low-cost mocap solutions for scientific and clinical research, this system also allows independent animators and video game designers to create motion capture assets at a fraction of the price of traditional mocap. This combination of ML-based software, scientific research, and artistic expression also creates a unique educational opportunity, as this system will provide an in-road for engaging in self-directed, ‘inside-out’ exploration of the constituent technologies and related scientific and artistic disciplines. The eventual goal is to create a system that will allow a 14-year-old with no technical training and no outside assistance to recreate a research-grade mocap system for less than $100US.


Hi everyone,

I am excited to see some of you at the community call this week! A reminder that the call is 29 September from 13:00-14:00 UTC. Here is the agenda for this week’s call:


  • Welcome & Participation Guidelines

  • Presentation

    • Jon Matthis - FreeMoCap
    • Follow up discussion and questions
  • Community Updates

    • Community Council
    • Global Gathering Working Group
    • Open Source Applications for GOSH
  • Adjourn

Link to Join the call: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Here is a link to the notes document for the calls. You can also find out more about the GOSH community calls here :slight_smile:

Look forward to the call!


The community call is starting now! You can join the call here.

Thanks to everyone who came to this week’s call, and thanks to @jonmatthis for presenting! You can read the notes from the call here. We also recorded Jon’s presentation, which you can watch here!

Here are some more resources on The FreeMoCap Project as well:
FreeMoCap website:
Twitch stream: Twitch
Discord: Discord

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