Seeking testers for open science learning module

Dear GOSH community,

Recently, @rafaella.antoniou and I received a small grant to develop an open science learning module as part of the EU-Citizen.Science project funded by the European Union. And we are looking for people to test this module!

Rather than going into details on specific techniques, this module will try to stimulate the learner’s imagination on which aspects of their work could be done as open science. The aspects could include the sources of hardware and software, but also other things like data and media outputs from a project. And, of course, I’ve added a section on open source licensing because that’s my obsession. :sweat_smile:

Officially, the primary audience for this open science module are “citizen science practitioners”. But here citizen science is very broadly defined. For example, if you run an open source hardware project that has a community of any size (i.e. you aren’t the only developer), that works. With this definition, I know many of us on this forum would count!

I really hope to get people from diverse backgrounds to test the module, and there are no geographic (or other) limitations on who can help. Here are the tasks:

  1. Click through the whole module and make sure everything works.
  2. Provide a critical eye to the module structure and content.
  3. Put your thoughts into a feedback form.

The whole process will probably take 1-2 hours of your time, and ideally you can do the testing during 22-29 September 2021. (there is a little leeway and I’ll do my best to work with your schedule)

Please respond if you’re willing to help out!!

By the way, as a first step, you can sign up for an account on the EU-Citizen.Science learning platform here (you will also see other interesting learning modules there):

Then send me your user name and I’ll add you to my module next week. Your feedback will be gratefully acknowledged.

I believe this module is of general interest to GOSH, and since all its contents will be released under CC BY 4.0, they can serve as material for GOSH to use for other purposes. For example, my first interaction on this forum was a discussion with @amchagas on an open source course back in 2017. My open science module definitely has material useful for a course like that!

Thank you for your consideration. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Here’s the module summary:

This is a high-level, 1 hour 45 minutes course introducing the ethical imperative for conducting citizen science as open science, including what open science is and how its products and processes can be incorporated into all aspects of citizen science.
The primary audience are citizen science practitioners such as those already managing a project or starting a new one. However, no prior knowledge about open science is assumed and anyone with an interest in open science are encouraged to take this course.

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the ethical, scientific, social, and legal imperatives for practising open science
  • Clarify common misconceptions of open science (e.g. it is not just about publishing data)
  • Describe the products of open science and the collaborative and inclusive processes they enable
  • Identify which aspects of open science are and are not already implemented in your citizen science project
  • Evaluate and choose tools to implement open science for all components of your citizen science project including text, images, data, software, hardware, and other media

And here’s a quote from the module - the story of “stone soup” from Wikipedia - illustrating the benefits of collaboration:

Some travellers come to a village, carrying nothing more than an empty cooking pot. Upon their arrival, the villagers are unwilling to share any of their food stores with the very hungry travellers. Then the travellers go to a stream and fill the pot with water, drop a large stone in it, and place it over a fire. One of the villagers becomes curious and asks what they are doing. The travellers answer that they are making “stone soup”, which tastes wonderful and which they would be delighted to share with the villager, although it still needs a little bit of garnish, which they are missing, to improve the flavor.

The villager, who anticipates enjoying a share of the soup, does not mind parting with a few carrots, so these are added to the soup. Another villager walks by, inquiring about the pot, and the travellers again mention their stone soup which has not yet reached its full potential. The villager hands them a little bit of seasoning. More and more villagers walk by, each adding another ingredient, like potatoes, onions, cabbages, peas, celery, tomatoes, corn, meat, milk, butter, salt and pepper. Finally, the stone (being inedible) is removed from the pot, and a delicious and nourishing pot of soup is enjoyed by travellers and villagers alike. Although the travellers have thus tricked the villagers into sharing their food with them, they have successfully transformed it into a tasty meal which they share with the donors.

I hope this piqued your interest!


You got me when you mentioned the soup thing :slight_smile:
Where do I sign up?

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I wanna be part of the soup :wink:!
Looking forward to where to sign up for participating!



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Awesome. Thank you so much @EmmanuelK and @laola!! Really glad you’re happy to help and that you like the soup haha. You will definitely be gratefully acknowledged in the module when it is published!

As a first step, could you sign up for an account on the EU-Citizen.Science learning platform here (you will also see other interesting learning modules there):

Once you’re registered, just send me your user name and I will add you to the list next week. I will also send you more details in the coming days.

Thank you again. If anyone else is interested in helping to make this soup, please reply here. :sweat_smile:

you can add me too (I signed up as “julien colomb”)

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This is awesome, and I’d love to help out. I signed up as “Brianna Johns”

Thanks, @hpy!

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i am also interested!

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Thanks @hpy, I signed up as “Laura Olalde”.
Looking forward for news!


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Hi, this is great! I look forward to checking it out!

Saying this with nothing but love in my heart - My first feedback is that I am always uncomfortable when something asks me to sign up for something before I am allowed to see it. It’s nothing personal, I just don’t trust the Internet when it asks me for my email :sweat_smile:

Is it currently under login lock and key because it is still in development? Will it be available to access freely without an account at some point?

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Do I need to be in the EU to participate?

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Wow!!! I am blown away by the support, thank you again @EmmanuelK @laola @Juliencolomb @briannaljohns @dusjagr @jonmatthis @jmwright.

We are busy putting everything together for beta testing (or should I say “tasting”?) this open science “soup”, and should have something for y’all by approximately 22 September with a week to try it out. I’ll also send you the feedback forms to fill out.

By the way, I’ve been told that they’re having some problems with course enrollment on the Moodle backend today. This means that instead of me adding you next week, you might have to go to the course URL and enroll yourselves. But I’ll let you know if that’s the case.

To answer some of the questions:

@jonmatthis: Great point about the registration, I can relate to your concern. This Moodle instance is hosted by the EU-Citizen.Science project, and I think they require registration because when the modules are released, there will be an option for learners who complete each module to receive a certificate of completion. I think that requires user details to generate. However, I feel strongly that since this is an open education resource (OER) released under CC BY 4.0, a no-account access option would be preferable.

I’m considering uploading all the content to Wikimedia Commons or the Internet Archive once we are finished with this beta phase. What do you think? Of course some fidelity and interactivity will be lost once you move it out of Moodle, so if there’s a way to export then import it into another Moodle instance that doesn’t need registration, that’ll be cool, too. I’m open to suggestions!

@jmwright: Thanks for asking! No, there is no geographic limitation on who can help test this module. In fact it’ll be amazing to have testers (tasters?) from diverse background to provide critique. I’ll edit the original post to clarify this.

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I would encourage you to upload any document used to create the moodle course (probably co-edited in markdown, right?) together with the moodle export file to zenodo (or similar).
Exporting moodle course and reimporting them in other instances works well (I have done that a lot while preparing the course on an offline moodle and importing it on the university moodle when the course was ready), apart from the certification and badges, that needs to be recreated (unless you find a way to gives them independently of the moodle instance, it may be possible with open badges 2.1, but that requires more research), and some issues with differences in moodle instances (you sometimes need the latest moodle version and certain plugin enabled when you do fancy stuff, and the uni does not allow me to touch that :slight_smile: ).
Also moodle exports is an open (although complex) format.

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@hpy hanks for the response!

I think hosting a login-free version of the content in some open space would be great - you could put a link to it with the front matter (perhaps near the ‘Sign Up’ button) with a comment to the effect of “The content is hosted [here], but note that interactivity is limited in that version and if you want to track your progress or get a certificate you’ll need to register an account”

Personally, that would make me feel a lot more comfortable because it would allow me to see the content before ‘committing’ to it (in the sense of taking the effort to make an account as well as giving up my login info to an unknown party). It is also more explicitly why you are asking users to create a user account, which embodies a more transparent and comfortable vibe :smiley:

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hi all
I signed up as “Nano Castro” to join the soup
thanks @hpy

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I’m signed up as “Jeremy Wright”.


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All right… The beta version of this open science online course/stone soup is ready for user-testing/tasting. :hushed: :open_mouth:

I’ve just sent everyone who signed up in this thread a message with the information to enroll in the course. Let me know any questions/concerns. The basic content and structure are complete, though I’m sure there is a lot of room for improvement. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

@Juliencolomb: Great suggestions about exporting and archiving the content. I didn’t know Moodle has its own export format, cool!

I think what I can do is once @rafaella.antoniou and I receive the initial set of testing feedback from all of you by 29 September, we will incorporate as many of your suggestions as possible and submit that for the EU-Citizen.Science project to be published early October. To me, that’s just the first iteration “minimum viable product (MVP)”, with lots of room for improvement.

If there is interest from the GOSH community to make this soup tastier, I could then copy the course content into something better for development, such as a set of Markdown documents. This could potentially be hosted in a Git repository, and it would be cool to come up with some sort of continous integration where updates to the Markdown content would automagically be rendered (maybe via Bookdown) into a viewable static website.

Having this would also address the great point raised by @jonmatthis about having a login-free version of the content.

Most elements in the course are easily transferrable to e.g. Bookdown, formats. At first I thought the hardest part to transplant would be quiz questions, but maybe we can have the questions in Markdown, and use HTML <detail> and <summary> elements to add a bit of interactivity and for revealing answers. This should achieve a large part of what quiz questions do. But I’m probably thinking too far ahead!

@hpy, you may also want to look at E-courses, (I did not check it myself)

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