Science Disrupt podcast on Open Minds, Open Hardware

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The Science Disrupt podcast interviewed GOSH attendees Tom Baden and Andre Chagas about open hardware, including Fly Pi and Trend in Africa’s open hardware courses and other activities. They said: “We thoroughly enjoyed chatting to Andre and Tom, and we left feeling energised that the spirit of ingenuity, of tinkering, and playing with science is alive and well.” Listen to…

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Thanks Jenny - I’m a big podcast listener, I don’t think I would have found this otherwise.

Had a listen to this on my ride home last night. Great discussion @amchagas, and congrats on the FlyPi paper!

One polite suggestion for anyone who is talking about OScH to the media like this. I think we should make a conscious effort to promote the GOSH manifesto and get more signatures; I just checked and there are only 288. I think we could do much better if more people knew about it!

Hi @ryanfobel, True! There are so many things to mention, sometimes important things pass by…

Yeah PS @amchagas congrats on the podcast - first off, what a great podcast, it’s now on my list. And you guys did a great job walking through the logic. I still wish we could create a more internally focused podcast for the community. I think it would be fun, but haven’t found the time to work on it.