Repeatable manufacturing instructions for open source hardware

Conversation starting in Scuttlebutt, a decentralized social network,

Suggested goals for manufacturing instructions for open source hardware:

  • They need to be open source (duh), which means published openly, reusable, forkable, versioned, etc.
  • They should use a common vocabulary which is translatable to different human and technical languages.
  • They should be expressible in text as well as diagrammatic forms.
  • They should be as complete as possible, like, using these instructions, you can make one of them things.

Hi @bhaugen,
We collected best practises at the first GOSH conference:
This is very similar to your discussion. We also had another documentation workshop at GOSH2, but those more extensive guidelines are not yet processed and published publicly. You can look at our draft here: (please add contributions as suggestions in commenting mode!).

Are you involved in the Open Hardware Receipes proposal? I believe with DocuBricks we have already implemented most of those points as open source software. You should have a look at that. It would be great if we could collaborate and see contributions rather than establishing many small similar tools that are more difficult to maintain.

Thanks, @MakerTobey !

Are you involved in the Open Hardware Receipes proposal?

Do you mean the discussion thread I linked to in Scuttlebutt, or the ones in GOSH? If you mean the GOSH proposals, I have not been involved yet, but I posted that link to see if it would make sense to get involved. If you mean the scuttlebutt thread, I started it, and will stay involved, but came here to see if we could join forces since I figured GOSH would be interested and maybe have something cooking.

I believe with DocuBricks we have already implemented most of those points as open source software. You should have a look at that. It would be great if we could collaborate and see contributions rather than establishing many small similar tools that are more difficult to maintain.

Thanks again for the references. I will study both, and will also re-share with the Scuttlebutt gang. Iā€™m assuming that is ok given the desire here to collaborate on this stuff. I totally agree with that goal.

P.S. I am trying to figure out if you can do routed bills (where the parts are connected to the assembly steps) with Docubricks. If anybody has a good example or two of docubrick documentation files for actual hardware, that would help.

I also posted about this topic in

Another open hardware mfg instructions for a $30 DIY wind turbine - very well done, but not in any standard format:

What do you think are the benefits of a standard format vs just well-done recipes?