References list about open hardware

Hi @estevesdouglas!

Thanks for reaching out :smiley: I wanted to share a few publications/blogs from GOSH that you may like to read!

GOSH 2021 Policy Briefs
Last year the GOSH community released some policy briefs and write-ups aimed at technology transfer offices, international policymakers, and research funders. I would definitely recommend visiting this page where you can find out more about each brief and write-up!

The open hardware for technology transfer offices brief has also been translated into Portuguese!

Distribution and Documentation Working Group
A group of community members formed the Open Hardware Distribution and Documentation Working Group to discuss distributed open science hardware (OScH) manufacturing, documentation, business models, legal agreements, and much more! They released a series of 16 blogs, which you can read on the Journal of Open Hardware Medium!

They also published a white paper on the topic as well.

GOSH book club
On a related note, GOSH also has a book club! We often select readings on open hardware (you can see our full reading list here). We aren’t meeting this month as many of our schedules are full for June, but we will be bringing it back in the coming months! You can watch for updates on the book club via this thread :slight_smile:

Open Sourced Science
This wasn’t released by GOSH, but I still think that the Wilson Center’s Open Sourced Science is a great resource to share! It’s super interactive and references several open science hardware initiatives - and GOSH!

Hope this helps!