Questions/discussion about GOSH’s 2022 Collaborative Development Funding! (Round 1)

@AgustinCruz s long as it is the 25th of Feb somewhere in the world this seems fair to me. There is no automated system that will stop you posting a response at a specific time, but we ask for it to be done on the 25th so that we can start dividing the applications on the 26th.

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Thanks @jcm80. We’ll look for willing collaborators abroad and other options, keeping GOSH Inc. as a last resort :slight_smile:

Hi @jeremycahill,

I can see that the tracks are vaguely defined. It doesn’t have to have been funded before, but it should be “established” as an open project. This is quite vague, but if you have users/people who have replicated it/a community/etc then I would say you are established.

Rest assured we are not going to be ruthless with specific criteria, we are a community that wants to support community projects. The idea behind the two tracks was we don’t want to freeze out new projects because they are being compared to impressive established ones, but we also don’t want to only fund new projects. Also later stages of development tend to cost more.

I hope this clarifies things somewhat. I am seeing that our attempts to be non-specific to not catch people outside arbitrary criteria has left room for confusion. We will take some of this feedback to learn for the future.

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Thanks @naikymen! We do hope to be able to offer this as an option more readily in the future but right now the systems aren’t in place.

Thanks for doing this for open hardware!

I just submitted our application post but would like to add more images to it to explain the concept/plan properly, unfortunately as I am new to this community I get an error:

“Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”

Is there a way to change that or should I link to external images instead?

Hello!, I just got aware of this opportunity but I’m afraid I could not be able to submit a proposal until the deadline date (February 25th). Is the coordinators team considering to extend the deadline? If so, I would like to know.
Otherwise, Could new proposal apply for the 2nd phrase? or is the 2nd phase only for projects registered in the 1st phase?


Hello. I see people are still editing their submissions after deadline. I thought is was forbidden?

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This for bringing this to our attention I will make sure we keep an eye on this. I locked the topic but edits may be possible.

I just took a brief scan and based on what I can see the only one that was edited after midnight UTC was changes a single letter typo that was made at 8am the following day which is before midnight on the 25th in at least some time zones.

He @anargu. Unfortunately, we are on a strict schedule based on the grant that is funding this. It would also not be fair to change the grant program significantly after it was announced. Be assured that we will look for future funding to repeat this program.

We understand in this instance the application process was somewhat compressed and this has limited who was able to apply. It was never our intention to make such a short process, however establishing a governance framework took a long time, and the last couple of years have been somewhat hard on all of us. If we secure future funds to run future collaborative development grants we will make sure to learn from this and budget some more time to widen participation.

Thanks for the feedback and sorry we have not been able to extend the deadline

Thanks for answering, I totally understand. Hope to see a next similar opportunity.

Will non-awardees receive notice, in addition to awardees?

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We will make sure to send an email to all applicants with some feedback about the decision.

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Are there any news about the GOSH’s 2022 Collaborative Development Program project selection?

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We have had the review meetings. There are some legal checks that need to happen behind the scenes, this is happening in private because we don’t want to announce something before it is confirmed. It should be soon.


@julianstirling @briannaljohns any news about the GOSH’s 2022 Collaborative Development Program (Round 1)?

Hi @Piccola, the results of the first round of the Collaborative Development Program have been announced here.

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