Open Technologies for Collaboration

A number of us (@pablocremades @kaspar @hpy @bhaugen) derailed the GOSH community call thread to talk about meeting platforms. @jcm80 has rightly suggested we start a new thread.

I think the TL;DR is:
Zoom is proprietary and many members of the community would ideally like to find a way to avoid it. JitSi and BigBlueButton are possible alternatives but we need to ensure that they are stable for large calls where not all participants can guarantee fast internet. For community calls there are very important discussions to be had, and the pragmatic approach is to use a tool we know is stable. Maybe we can have some less important calls on BigBlueButton to try it out.

Maybe we can use this thread to talk about both open meeting tools, but also other alternatives to proprietary services for collaboration. I know @hpy already maintains a list of such services. The one thing that I think we need to consider carefully is how viable these alternatives are. I feel some level of pragmatism is required, open tools will always be preferred, but if we can’t use them effectively to work towards the core GOSH goals we are shooting ourselves in the foot.