Open Hardware Survey

Hi everyone, this is Jo from IO Rodeo. We design and make open science hardware and are excited to present at a GOSH community call next year! One of our goals as a business is to make open hardware tools more affordable and accessible. So we do alot of technical support, documentation and tutorials which we also share via our Newsletter. Last week we featured GOSH in a Spotlight on GOSH newsletter.

This week we shared a very short 10-question survey for our customers & collaborators to better understand how they are using open science hardware and how we can better support people that want to use these resources in their work/project. While it is mostly aimed at customers that want to have the option of purchasing an open hardware tool, we would also love to invite GOSH members to take the survey as well! If we get enough responses from both communities, we plan to share results and trends at the GOSH community call.

Also, please feel fre to share the survey with anyone you think might be interested!

Here is a link: SURVEY LINK
