Hi there OSH friends!
For a project that might start next year, I was looking to learn if there are people in this Forum that are based in Brazil and working with open hardware? Would be thankful to be pointed with links/dms and everything else in between to establish conversations!
Also sorry for my ignorance in not knowing this!
Hi @amchagas !
I’m currently located in the Vale do Rio Paraíba do Sul region. I work as a freelance consultant in data, AI and IoT for businesses and startups in Brazil - it’s something I’m good at, but it’s not my ultimate goal in life.
I’ve been working on some home automation projects and have plans to get more actively involved in open hardware, although it has not been my main focus recently.
I would love to know more about your plans!
Other than that, I know of the LHC (Laboratório Hacker Campinas) and CTA (Centro de Tecnologias Abertas, Porto Alegre). Seems like the latter you have found already. 
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