Open Hardware for Health @ Geneva Health Forum

A 3d-printed hand prosthesis, a patch to detect epilepsy seizure, echography for emergency services…

Open hardware can improve access to health and reduce public medical expenditure.

From March 23 to 26, the Open Village will enable people affected, caregivers, NGO administrators, and other passionate people to contribute to different open hardware projects, as part of the Geneva Health Forum – a global health congress – and the Open Geneva festival – 40 hackathons for the civil society.

Beyond workshops, we will create a guide of best practices (governance, fundraising, documentation, etc), and launch a fund to help advanced projects reach more communities.

Should you be interested to attend our Open Village, we can provide collective hosting and reduced registration fees. We will also welcome online inputs during the event.


Due to preventive measures, most of the Open Village and the Geneva Health Forum are postponed to November 18 to 20 in Geneva. Open Geneva will probably take place in September.
Thank you for your understanding.