On my way to China - and a special gift for GOSH participants

Hi everyone. I am starting my long journey from São Paulo to Shenzhen, departing in a couple hours. I’m looking forward to meeting you all. There are a number of topics I want to address while I’m there but I already want to let you guys know about one of them, the IoT sandbox: a project I have coordinated for the Subutai platform. It is an easy way to deploy a floss-based p2p cloud environment to store and visualize sensor data. I’ll be happy to show it working and explain its internals if anyone is interested. OptDyn, the company behind Subutai, is offering as an allowance of GoodWill, the platform’s internal currency, for GOSH participants. You can use that to test the IoT Sandbox, any other Blueprint or to set up your containerized environments by hand. It’s just a matter of registering at the Subutai Bazaar and applying the coupon code I’ll be sending on wechat.

We have published a short video that offers an overview of the Subutai Platform, in case anyone is interested: