Meeting #11
1 Dec 2020, 14:00 UTC
People in the call
- Jenny
- Gunner
- Marina
- Ji Li
- Gayatri
- Check-in with group
- We need to better summarize decisions and outstanding issues
- We need to check in with WG members in advance of Community Call
- Mapping
Unresolved issues to address in advance of Community Call
- Define concept of social minorities
- Framing of questions for Voting mechanism/methodology
- Tools
- Process
- Anonymity
- Issues to discuss with community
- Validate eligibility criteria
- Plan to prioritize social minority candidates
- Timeline to election
- Exact mechanisms for election: process, tools, stewardship
- Issues we are passing forward to new Community Council
- Management of Code of Conduct
- Refinement of Community Council election process
- How to organize and populate other working groups
- Open questions
*All other “governance build out” tasks - further enhancing - Summary of decisions/plans
- Agenda for Community Call
Welcome and hellos
Overview of remit of WG
Summary of progress and decisions to date
Balances we have tried to strike
What we have decided and are planning
What we are not resolving/passing forward to Community Council
Open questions we are passing forward
Discussion and questions
Invitations for input and discussion
Next steps and closing
Action items
- Announce Community Call
- Follow up with WG members
- Summarize “what we know”
- Reflect on structure and roles for Community Call agenda