June 2024 GOSH Newsletter: Call for curated papers & projects

Hi everybody!

I am organizing the next GOSH newsletter and inviting you to share any new open science hardware papers, projects, or opportunities you would like featured! You can share them on this thread or send them to me via private message or email.

What is the GOSH Newsletter, and how do I subscribe to it?

The GOSH community newsletter is released every month, and you can sign up here to receive the newsletter via email.

Each newsletter features the latest global open science hardware news and updates, information on upcoming GOSH events, career and job opportunities, and curated papers and projects selected by community members. Once each newsletter is published, I also share a link to it from the newsletter archives we set up.



Hi Bri,
Hers is the report of our work that could be good for the June newsletter



In case not too late, there’s @julianstirling’s paper and @hpy, @briannaljohns, and @AmandaMatthes’s paper.

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Hi Bri,

We will have an article coming out soon for our implanted device project on a National Institute of Health (USA) website. Is that an okay format to share or would you prefer the text itself? Is there a deadline for this month’s call for papers?

Thank you!

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Hi @crexroth! :wave:

Great question - the article itself would be best. I typically share newsletters around the second week of the month, but no worries if it’s not published yet, we can feature it in the next month’s newsletter!


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