Invite: GOSH compass/roadmap writing session August 6th

Hi everyone,

As a next step on the GOSH roadmap @jcm80 @unixjazz and I are convening a writing session on Sunday, August 6 from 11am-1pm ET.

The goal of this writing session will be to end up with a final flow for the document (see the suggestion from @unixjazz posted below that meshes with the suggestion from @paz of a compass and roadmap), an understanding of what content is missing and still needs to be compiled and collected and a clear set of next steps on completing the document.

Please send a quick response to this thread or message me directly to let us know if you are able to make next Sunday. Jenny and Luis Felipe will be leading the writing session. I’ll send call information out later in the week to people who are able to make it.

Thanks, Shannon

— Suggested organization of roadmap:

  1. Support:

    • OsH design, development, documentation, standards
    • Community diversity initiatives
    • Institutional programs (schools, universities, research centers)
  2. Funding:

    • Existing sources, strategies
    • Existing sustainability plans, business models
    • Creating new sustainability plans and business models
  3. Research:

    • Documenting OsH projects
    • Integrating OsH in ongoing research projects
    • Designing and conducting action research for GOSH
    • Feeding results back into GOSH activities
  4. Grow:

    • Organize OsH-based workshop activities
    • Prepare OsH-based educational resources
    • Create a mentorship program for GOSH
    • Outreach: reaching out beyond GOSH

Hi everyone,

We have a group of 10 people that will be convening on Sunday. If you’re interested in joining, let me know and I’ll get you the call information.
