Inscripción Abierta - reGOSH Residencia+Encuentro / reGOSH Residence + Gathering

Hola a todxs

Estamos muy contentos de comunicarles que el 1 de mayo estaremos abriendo la convocatoria para la Residencia + Encuentro a desarrollarse en Setiembre en Mendoza (Argentina)
@pcremades @ffederici @leandro.mastrantonio @jarancio @gbathree

Pueden leer mas en Residencia regosh: Mendoza 2022 – REGOSH
Gracias @solardata por el bonito diseño!!

Hi all

We are very happy to announce that on May 1st we will be opening the call for the Residence + Gathering to be held during September in Mendoza (Argentina)
@pcremades @ffederici @leandro.mastrantonio @jarancio @gbathree

More info at regosh Residence: Mendoza 2022 – REGOSH


So exciting! I will definitely share the call in the next GOSH Newsletter :slight_smile:

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Hi all
Some updates of our regional events:
Registration closed almost a month ago.
We have selected 25 participants for the residence from 40 applications and we have a surprising total of 87 participants for the gathering :slight_smile:
We are taking care of logistic stuff and shaping the programme of both events.
More news soon.


Hola a todxs
Por aquí ya arrancamos con nuestra residencia y ya estamos casi todxs reunidxs :slight_smile:

Más fotitos aqui
y en IG y TW de regosh_libre