Hi there! I added my answers under each part of your message 
What I like about a roadmap is that we have clear, actionable, assignable tasks. I like that because I want to get to a world of ubiquitous open science hardware, and I know someone’s going to have to do some work. Actually, lots of people have to do lots of work 
Haha, so true, a lot more work lays ahead!
I think the difference between a compass and a roadmap is not only semantic, but also in fact quite practical. Following a compass oriented strategy would also include clear and actionable, and assignable tasks (no way of getting rid of that hard work
). The main difference I believe is the emphasis on a more purposeful learning + adjustment process. Because roadmaps tend to assume linearity and predictability, taking time to learn and adjust is not central to such roadmap strategic approaches. It is however central to the more adaptive approaches.
So my question is, how do we ensure a coherent, action-oriented community to achieve our goals using a compass? And, let’s get down to the nitty gritty, what is a compass? I know what a roadmap is - it’s a set of topics on which we have a clear direction, and a set of actionable tasks and assigned people (or groups) to those tasks.
Both let you move thorough, forward, advance. So both are strategic approaches, or guiding tools if we want to sound more practical. So actually both are very similar in key ways. My guess is that the difference is to some extent on the ‘what’ to do but mostly on the how to review progress and ensure proper adjustment of actions in view of what is going well and what is going bad. It is the ‘learning’ the key ingredient. And how that learning is communicated across key actors/activists.
Your post is well timed because we actually need to write this up! We have notes from the GOSH2017, but we definitely do not have a finished doc (like the manifesto) that we can all sign on to.
So… I like compass… but can you give me some details - like an outline of a doc and some ground rules that we can start to collaboratively contribute to? And just to clarify, that’s not a rhetorical challenge to negate your argument, I’m being genuine.
Oh I do know you are being genuine because your questions are also mine, in many ways. I mean I want to see how moving from roadmap to compass changes tasks or adds more, in concrete ways. So, ground rules? I’ll try to come up with some in the next couple of days, also by looking at the roadmap draft. (I know I said I’d write soon and it took me 12 days but this time I mean it, hehe). I’ll have a look at some documents about the approach called theories of change which is one that assumes complexity instead of putting it under the rug. In particular there is one author I like (Craig Walters) and I’ll actually ask him via twitter if he knows of groups or activists trying to follow a more compass oriented strategy for change, and if there is any good documentation about it
Til soon!