GOSH Constitution Referendum Procedure

Hi GOSH Community,

As election secretary for the 2024 GOSH Community Council election, I am also responsible for establishing a procedure for conducting the referendum required to ratify this Constitution. Below, I am sharing a document that details how the referendum will take place and the platform (EU Survey) I will use to hold it. The process was based on the content in the 2024 GOSH Constitution.

GOSH Constitution Referendum Procedure

As described, this referendum will take place at the same time as the election, so be sure to register to vote!

Thank you!


Minor issue here, but can we decide upon a protected location to keep the constitution, that will be taken as authoritative? Because not every document that says “OFFICIAL GOSH CONSTITUTION” is necessarily the official GOSH constitution.

And the draft constitution should be in a similarly not-world-writable location, so that the text of the ballot can point to it.


Mmmmm, @Harold , kinda sounds like you are just setting up a way to have a heist movie, with someone like nic cage coming to steal our constitution


His early movies were much better IMO.

If you’re going to cross the Ts, might as well dot the Is.


Great point @Harold, thank you for raising it. :heart:

I know this post isn’t super “official”, but I intend to archive the text as voted on regardless of whether the referendum passes. The location could be - but is not limited to - an item on the Internet Archive or a commit in a GOSH Gitlab repository, etc. Suggestions welcome (in a separate thread)!

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