Hello all, I’ve got my copy of the Internet con and am looking forward to getting into it. It’s starting to feel like there are a lot of things to get through before Christmas so I wonder if we could look at the January dates for the next meeting? Thanks.
Hi @annasera,
I think scheduling the next book club meeting in January is best! @hpy and @annasera do you happen to be available before 12pm UTC on January 10 & 11? For some reason, I didn’t include those times in the poll and they would be best for me in Australia.
Thanks @briannaljohns. I will be in time zone UTC+8 that week which should be close(r) to your time in Australia? Anyways, I am still available before 12:00 UTC on both dates, though that might be early for those in Europe?
Yes! I could be available from 08:00 UTC both of those days
@annasera @hpy fantastic, thanks for letting me know! I scheduled the meeting for 9am UTC on January 11th. We will meet in this Big Blue Button room. The access code is GOSH2023 - and just enter your name into the “name” field when joining.
The event is also available on the GOSH Community Calendar.
I look forward to our next meeting!
Hi everyone!
Just a reminder that the next GOSH book club meeting is happening this week! We will be meeting on January 11th at 9 am UTC. We will actually meet via this link rather than the Big Blue Button one!
We will discuss The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation by Cory Doctorow, and anyone is welcome to join, even if you haven’t finished the book .
I look forward to seeing some of you later this week!
I intend to join this meeting, but my Internet connection’s going to be spotty, so don’t wait for me in case I don’t show up!
Hi all! I actually had something come up this evening, so I won’t be able to make the book club call either. If it’s OK with everyone, could we reschedule to the same time next week?
Next week same day/time works for me!
Hi @briannaljohns , next week same time fine with us ( @uddhavi2009, @ratiranjan & I ).
Best regards,
Hello @briannaljohns!
I would like to join the book club meetings this year! I hope to be able to join next week even though it is a fairly early time in my area. Let’s see what happens! Please include me if there is a mailing list as a reminder of these meetings!
Thank you,
I love all the interest in the book club from this thread!
A few people have messaged me separately about changing meeting times, so I have made a 2024 book club group so that we can chat about scheduling meetings without sending endless emails to everyone’s inboxes.
I have already added @hpy @annasera @saadcaffeine @tapas @uddhavi2009 @ratiranjan and @laola to the group, but if you are interested in joining the meetings, you can join the group here!
Thanks all!