GOSH 2022 - Introductions

Hello everyone! I’m Nico from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

My journey towards GOSH started around 2016, during the first TecnoX event. I liked the idea of R&D biotech projects led by undergrad students (being one of them), and then quickly realized that we were limited by access to tools.

I was already biased towards hardware development, and fell in love with the idea of freedom of knowledge through FOSS. So I decided to start learning how to make lab-stuff, slowly got involved in the free-tech movement.

This will be my first GOSH! I look forward to meeting all of you :slight_smile: .

What’s up with me now in a list:

  • Building a more libre OSH pipetting robot with others.
  • Documentation enthusiast.
  • Active participant of the reGOSH network; general chemistry teacher at UNSAM; thankful caretaker of two awesome cats; etc.
  • PhD student-ing in biology; working with molecular mechanisms of decision-making in yeast cells.
  • Learning about dynamical system identification / inference of dynamic networks.