The Yaoundé Goethe Institute (German institute in my country) is interested to support Biohacking in Cameroon. Beginning with the logistic support of the seminar: Biohacking in the medical field : perspectives for developing countries.(23-24 May 2017, Cameroon)
I am thankful to @amchagas and @dusjagr who have already given the title of their presentation. For those who are also interested to give an online talk, please send me the title of your presentation. All of you are welcome. Particularly @ryanfobel @ali @biomakers_lab @bwolfend @biomurph @shingohisakawa @juanmagararc @xiamyra …
The Goethe Institute is also interested in the fact that German researchers can help. So, it can be helpful if Tobey and mariob can also give a talk or invite other German researchers to join us. Through your implication, the Goethe Institute (DAAD) can fund Biohacking in Africa in the future.
Also, if you have kits that I can use or exhibit during the seminar, you can give them to me.
Thank you for the invitation @thomasmboa! I can share what we have done with Biomakers Lab and SyntechBio:
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Wow @thomasmboa, that is really amazing!
I would love to give a talk.
Could you give some more information on the seminar?
Thé idea of the seminar is to make aware of Biohacking by showing what we can do with, how we can Build ourselve, and how it is cheapest and affordable for ours countries. The idéal will be to have the material you had in Chile, to run our workshop; unfortunately we cannot for thé moment.
So you can give an online présentation to show us how your lab functions and which kind of exam we can do. Thank again
Hey Thomas, could you be interested in ultrasound imaging? Here’s a short summary described in this Journal of Open Hardware article of my contribution to be field.
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Of course @kelu124, I add in the program. I will release the first draft of the program on friday. And if the required material is affordable for me, I will look the possibility to perform it myself as a workshop during the seminar.
Thank a lot
Hey Thomas, the setup totals less than 500$, but may take time to collect the different elements and have it run - depends if you have time to assemble one Let me know if you have this time and resources!
Hi @kelu124, I don’t have ressources, and about time I don’t know if I have really time to collect it, but I will be in Québec until 17 May.
Tu parles français?
Hi @thomasmboa, sorry I though I already replied, but yes of course I can give a presentation!
@xiamyra please can you give me the title of your presentation. The final programme is going to be released, but I can include you.
Besides the seminar and since the netherlands collaboration is very active in my country (Cameroon), we can also look how SNV can support the Swaag society in implementation of your technology in Africa. What do you think?
Hi Thomas the title would be;
BioHack Academy - organisation and aims.
But can we have a skype meeting this of next week to be sure we are on the same page?
Great @xiamyra,
my skype is mboaherve, and you can schedule de meeting this week. Just take care of the time difference, since I am currently based in Quebec.
Thursday 17:00 CET / 12:00 Quebec?
You already accepted me (sjemier) Do you have time now?
Or do you prefer in about half an hour?
Hi, your presentation is scheduled from 01:45 PM to 02:30 PM of 23rd of May.
Thank you
I am very excited to release the final programme of our event. Thank to all of you who have accepeted to present: @amchagas @dusjagr @mephilross @kelu124 @MakerTobey @xiamyra @biomakers_lab. Thank to GOSH organizer for this meeting we had in Chile and where i meet all these amazing people with who I am collaborating and interacting now…
It is just the beginning, the best is to come…
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