Get Paid! Help figure out how GOSH hold power together

(continued from here)

Things to work on:

Your experiences and thoughts desired on the following!

  • Elections — this part is up and running already, see 2022 Governance Plan
    • Adjusting number and quotas for seats (representation by demographics, region)
    • Definition of a GOSH community member in terms of voter eligibility
    • Requiring a retro/post-mortem to be done well in advance of the next election
  • Set up community-wide decision-making, like a referendum, which would be required for big decisions like installing a Constitution:
    • What types of decisions would require a referendum?
    • What amounts of community participation would be valid?
    • How can the community set the agenda for what should go to referendum?
  • Relationships with other organizations across the world, e.g. OSHF or OSEG (Open Source Ecology Germany)
    • How to initiate
    • Nature of the relationship
    • How to formalize it
    • What is the term of the relationship, and when does it get revisited?
  • Internal Council process (quorum for decisions, mode of reasoning, sync/async, etc)
    • Term limits for council people
    • Defining working groups, Council-backed, ad hoc, etc.
    • Developing role of councilors as coordinators of Council-backed Working Groups
    • Figure out if the Council person role should/could be a paid role
  • Anything else?

What should YOU do?

Please respond to this thread with any of your thoughts and feedback.

ALSO, if you have the skills/knowledge/experience and are willing to help, please respond here or in this message thread to the Council to work closely with @lizbarry and @hpy and take on the detailed development of one or more of these sections. Thanks to OSHF, there is funding available (ask for details!)!