FOSSASIA Summit, March 13-15, Bangkok - Booth for FOSS Communities

FOSSASIA has invited us to apply for a community booth, is anyone keen on helping me man the GOSH booth? I will then go ahead and apply. Here are the deets:

FOSSASIA offers table-booths for open source and community projects to showcase their work during the FOSSASIA Summit. At each table, a project can share information, demo software, hardware, give away goodies, and personally interact with the visitors. Please bring along your standees, banners and leaflets. For eligible projects, the booth is free of charge.

Projects are required to nominate at least two people who man the booth continuously during the event.

FOSSASIA Summit Exhibition Booths

Booth Equipment

  • One table, positioned in one of main exhibition halls, easily accessed by public entrance
  • FOSSASIA table cloth
  • One power socket per table
  • Shared wireless Internet access
  • Two chairs

Exhibitor Passes

  • 2 exhibitor passes to access the exhibition.
  • Additional standard tickets are available at a discounted rate for access to the entire event.

Exhibitor Requirements

  • Exhibitors are kindly requested to allocate sufficient personnel to maintain their booths throughout exhibition hours for the entire event.
  • Please kindly comply with the key dates below for setup and tear-down times, and follow exhibitor manuals which will be sent out to selected exhibitors in the next stage.

Key dates 2023

  • Wed. 12 March: Setup time 10AM - 5PM

  • Thu. 13 March: Exhibition opens at 8.30 AM until 6PM

  • Fri. 14 March: Exhibition opens at 8.30 AM until 6PM

  • Sat. 15 March: Exhibition closes at 4PM, please complete the tear-down by 6PM same day


Hi @saadcaffeine,

I’d like to offer my assistance. Last year, I hosted an Open Hardware TinyML workshop with support from Seeed Studio. I didn’t apply for anything this year, so I’m happy to help at the stall if you need me.


I’ve requested a table. We can re-use the banners from last year, I have a bunch of stickers as well. I can bring along an openFlexure device along with a centriDrive. Other device contributions for the exhibition table are welcome, send them over to me in Singapore. If they’re 3D printable point me to the STLs I’ll print them and take them along with me.

Anyone have GOSH or OpenScience designs to contribute for stickers please reply here or drop me a message, I’ll have them printed for distribution at the event. We’ll be doing awareness and outreach, inviting people to join / contribute to our forum.

GOSHers gonna GOSH :slight_smile:


We’re up at FOSSAsia Bangkok come say hi!