Event on 29 June 2022: Open Source Hardware - Collaborations for a Better (Product) Future

Hi everyone,

FYI I am sharing the following announcement for an event called “Open Source Hardware - Collaborations for a Better (Product) Future”:

What does it take to shift Open Source principles from the periphery to the center of hardware industries?

Companies like Arduino and Prusa3D have already highlighted the commercial potential and societal benefits of the open approach. The combination of a pending climate crisis, continuously expanding socioeconomic gaps, and the frailty of global supply chains highlighted by the recent COVID-pandemic, forces us to ask ourselves: How much longer should we wait to radically change the rules of hardware development?

Between 2019-2022, the OPENNEXT project will set out to challenge and fundamentally change the future of product creation by making open source hardware (OSH) development more accessible to a larger number of companies across Europe. We will do so by leveraging the skills, know-how and interconnectivity embedded in the DNA of Europe’s maker communities to lay the foundation for a future OSH ecosystem. In June 2022, the remainder of 18 Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) will conclude their open source hardware journey with OPENNEXT.

Join us in Berlin, as we demonstrate the projects and products developed, ranging from autonomous vehicles to a pocket-size science lab. Take part in a lively discussion together with a rich panel of engineers, researchers, makers, designers, entrepreneurs and open-minded human beings. Learn how far we’ve come - and where OSH is headed next.

NB: This event is free of charge to attend.

Program TBA: Whilst we encourage you to join all parts of the program, it is also possible to drop in and out depending on your interest and availability.

Event information and registration page:

When: 13:00 to 17:30 UTC+2 on Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Where: Room H2035 & Room H2036, Building H, Technische Universität Berlin, Hauptgebäude Straße, 10623 Berlin, Germany

In case you’re in the Berlin area on 29 June 2022, might be worth checking this out!

Full disclosure: I am currently a paid researcher in the OPENNEXT project.


@hpy I don’t see a virtual attendance option. Is it only in-person? It would make sense if it was since it sounds like the results of the projects will be shown off, but I wanted to make sure.


Great catch @jmwright, I agree with you that it’s likely to be primarily an in-person event. However, I am contacting the organiser to confirm, and will report back if there are any virtual components to this event!

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I just heard back from one of the organisers, unfortunately it is unlikely that they will set up a virtual/online component for this meeting… :woman_shrugging:

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Thanks for checking.

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