ENTER THE HYPER-SCIENTIFIC Artist-in-Residence program at EPFL call for applicants

CDH Artist-in-Residence program opens call for 2024/25 applications

For its third edition the program @enterthehyperscientific supports up to 4 artists-in-residence for 3 month residencies at EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.

Fully funded, the program offers: travel and accommodation, monthly stipend, production budget, curatorial mentoring and final presentation of the project @epflpavilions via 3 paths and 1 special track:

Open Transdisciplinary welcomes international artists and practitioners from all disciplines and media to propose projects which reflect the main intention of the program, namely to investigate the fluid intersection between art, humanities, science, and technology.

Scientific Imaging, in collaboration with the EPFL Center for Imaging, prioritizes artists familiar with imaging technologies, CGI, digital practices, and visual arts more broadly.

Environmental Transformation in collaboration with CLIMACT, the Center for Climate Impact and Action, invites visual artists and designers to engage in a creative manner with topical themes related to climate transformation.

Special Track: Explorations in Geometry, Computation, and Matter, in conjunction with EPFL Geometric Computing Laboratory (GCM), invites artists, designers, and makers to engage in an intense collaboration with researchers and fabrication experts at GCM.

The 2024-2025 edition, aims to support and encourage a transversal interest in AI.

More info and application guidelines via

Deadline: 16 October 2023 (23:59 CEST).

Share➰apply! #enterthehyperscientific @epflcampus @epflculture @villelausanne


dang! that’s cool!