I am currently organizing the December GOSH newsletter, and am inviting you to share any new OH papers, projects, or initiatives that you would like to be featured in the newsletter! You can share them on this thread, or send them to me via private message or email.
What is the GOSH Newsletter and how do I subscribe to it?
The GOSH community newsletter is released every month and you can sign up here to receive the newsletter via email. (If this sign up link isn’t working for you, you can use this google form as an alternative). Each newsletter features the latest global open science hardware news and updates, information on upcoming GOSH events, career and job opportunities, and curated papers and projects selected by community members. Once the December newsletter is published, I will also share a URL preview of the newsletter on this forum thread as well.
If you want to help out with the creation of each monthly newsletter, send me a message or email and join in!
Thanks Bri, for driving the newsletter forward!
I’d love to make people aware of our freshly funded Open Science Hardware project for training and outreach to Latin American researchers in the context of Bioimaging and Bio-sample handling:
The project will start soon and we are looking to hire two full time staff members on the project for three years: One community organiser for activities, network, social media, purchases, etc. and one technical position for OSH development, testing, documentation as well as the support of the hands-on workshops we will be hosting. Let me know what other info to provide.
This is such great news @MakerTobey - congrats! Happy to share this in the GOSH newsletter. Do you happen to have more information on the staff member positions yet? Or any information on how to apply? If so, it would be great to share that as well
Unfortunately we don’t have the position calls open yet but will have very soon. I will circulate it on the GOSH forum as well.
For now I have this info:
The positions have the starting date March 2022 the latest.
Those who are interested can write to me directly at this stage: Tobias.wenzel@u.cl
For the coordinator position, fluent Spanish is required, for the technical position it desired but not required.
We have flexibility as to who we can hire for the two positions (postdoc or not, different backgrounds, full time or half-time), so I appreciate if people that are interested contact me independent of their stage of qualifications (of corse the pay grade still depends partially on qualifications).
Since September 2021, the Open.Make project has been working “towards open and FAIR hardware” in academia. Our website hosts a blog ^1 where we describe the scope of the project, how we worked on our grant application, and the results of our kickoff meeting. We are also currently looking to fill three student assistant positions ^2.
Along the Open.Make project, an RDA interest group ^3 was created to work on the adaptation of FAIR principles for research hardware. This resulted from an earlier call on the Gathering for Open Science (GOSH) forum. Everyone should feel welcome to join the initiative. We also are keen to have further experts in the field to join as chairs.
Thanks for sharing, @moritz.maxeiner! I’ll be sure to feature both Open.Make and the RDA interest group in the next newsletter, along with the student assistant positions. I’m also excited to hear more about FAIR principles for hardware at the community call next week, where we will have a presentation on the paper, “Towards FAIR Principles for Open Hardware”
El Instituto de Ingeniería Biológica y Médica (IIBM) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile está contratando a dos personas para el proyecto “Centro Latinoamericano de Bioimagen a través de Hardware Abierto” (LIBRE Hub) liderado por Tobias Wenzel, Pablo Irarrázaval, y Vicente Parot. El proyecto LIBRE Hub es financiado por la Chan Zuckerberg Initiative y tiene una duración de tres años. El objetivo del proyecto es contribuir a la comunidad académica latinoamericana ampliando el acceso a tecnología para imágenes médicas, bioimágenes y manipulación de muestras. Es un Centro que ofrecerá seminarios, talleres y formación de redes en torno al hardware de código abierto.
Buscamos los siguientes perfiles, pero tenemos flexibilidad en muchos criterios, tales como la distribución de tareas entre ellos y el nivel de formación (por ejemplo, con doctorado o no). El trabajo será realizado en el IIBM, campus San Joaquín en Santiago de Chile, comenzando alrededor de marzo de 2022 hasta finales de noviembre de 2024:
Administrador(a) del proyecto (Project Manager) - se encargará de la administración del Centro, coordinación e implementación de las actividades del Centro. En particular será responsable de formar la red de participantes, la comunicación en redes sociales, velar por el cumplimiento de los hitos del proyecto, realizar los informes de financiamiento, apoyo a los participantes, incluyendo viajes y seminarios internacionales, coordinación de las traducciones de subtítulos de los seminarios. Esta persona también puede participar en el desarrollo de seminarios y talleres y en otras tareas técnicas. Debe tener al menos un conocimiento básico de imágenes y Hardware Abierto, e idealmente haber dirigido ya eventos en este contexto. Se requieren habilidades de comunicación en español e inglés.
Fellow de tecnología (Technology Fellow) - se encargará de la preparación y ejecución de talleres, fabricación de piezas y compra de materiales, la logística para los tutores internacionales, así como de la co-selección, reproducción, mejora y documentación de los proyectos de hardware abierto, incluyendo el control de calidad de sus traducciones. Se requieren habilidades técnicas y de comunicación interdisciplinaria en español e inglés.
Para ambos cargos, buscamos personas entusiastas y con motivación para hacer una contribución a nuestra comunidad.
Envíe su correo electrónico de motivación y su CV a tobias.wenzel[at]uc.cl antes del 30 de diciembre. Las entrevistas podrán ser remotas y tendrán lugar a mediados de enero.
Thanks, everyone for sharing your projects! The December newsletter has been sent out, if you haven’t signed up yet, you can view a URL preview of the newsletter here