Original notes on the pad here:
Fundraising Session
Wednesday (10.10.2018) afternoon
As our first trial of unconference session we ended up with many open questions because this is a diverse and complex topic. Some participants shared their experiences with funding and financial sustainability in different contexts: Europe, Africa, United States and so on. Some strategies in those directions were proposed, like building a common pool of OScH projects to apply for funding, share different demands of projects that could get funded, since we are a diverse background community, and also to have a work group to understand the success cases on it, among other suggestions. This discussion will certainly be followed up in the next days in specific themes, like regional events and business models unconferences.
Summary of post-it notes
- Fundraising
- Strategies to support local independient labs
- Patents
- How to fund
- Grant partners for goshers
Attending: Francois, Oliver, Leonardo, Diego, Clarissa, Reddy, Fernando, Ji, Jenny, Shannon, Gregg, Valerian, Lisa, Mohanty, Analia, Marc, Yanick
- share experiences
- find funding opportunities
- sponsoring for components/material
- traditional grants
- make detailed ‘busisness plan’-like proposals to attract people
- create common pools
- crowd founding
- lower costs/implement self-sustaining concepts
- rent property, create a space and live where costs of living are very cheap
- offer OScH-as-a-service developement by GOSHers (could be related to GOSH residencies)
- replicate Awesome foundation’s model
Yanick, Reddy and Valerian, please share a summary of your own positive and negative funding experiences that you talked about.