Creating a community wishlist for requesting the next round of funding from Sloane Fdn, others

Dear GOSH Community,
In this coming month (September), we have the opportunity to create a community wishlist for what we wish to pursue funding for in 2023 and beyond. With our wishlist in hand, the Board of the Open Hardware Foundation (formerly GOSH, Inc) can reach out to our valiant funder Sloan Foundation and perhaps others and make the case on our behalf.

In order to create this wishlist in a week or two, how do we wanna combine our thoughts? How should we listen to each other? Here’s some ideas:

  • For sure let’s use this thread in the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
  • We might consider using some Community Call slots for synchronous conversations, or book other times?
  • We might also consider using this open source platform where anyone can submit an idea, and out of everyone clicking through some pair comparisons, a final prioritized list will be generated:
  • IF, and only if, it seems like we want to get into a broader conversation about what’s need to reach the GOSH Roadmap, we might consider using this open source platform that supports a many-to-many discussion:
  • Any preferences or other ideas for how we assemble our community wishlist for what types of programs requiring what amount of funding?

In terms of what to ask for, here is a list of all the programs that GOSH, Inc requested on behalf of GOSH a couple years ago. This includes the programs you may have seen roll out in the past year:

  • GOSH Global Gathering
  • Template of the GOSH facilitation model
  • Regional Event Funding
  • Collaborative Development Funding
  • OScH Briefings and Writing Sprint
  • Upkeep of GOSH web resources

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Please share.


Hi everyone,

A note that since posting the original message in #community-governance, I’ve moved this thread into #general.

Here’s what you need to know

I’m writing to share that in order to develop our next community wishlist, the Council is moving forward with using open source platform If you like, check it out ahead of time; otherwise, be on the lookout for a poll coming this week where you can enter in your ideas, as well as see everyone else’s!

How this will work:

Ideas will be shown two at a time. Each time, you choose the idea you think is more useful for GOSH achieving its Roadmap. This will generate a prioritized list visible to everyone. The Council will take this list and further develop it for use in fundraising. More instructions are forthcoming by the Working Group that’s going to run the process.

Thanks! And please let us know any questions here.


The survey that Liz talked about above is now live! We are now ranking funding ideas, and looking for new funding ideas!

Use this Wiki Survey link to rank the ideas. The link will take you to a page where ideas will be shown two at a time. Each time, you choose the idea you think is more useful for GOSH achieving its Roadmap. This will generate a prioritized list visible to everyone. You can also submit your own ideas by filling out the “add your own idea here…” box.

Funding ideas we have so far are described in fuller detail below. If you add an idea to the Wiki Survey, please also add it to this thread, in a similar format to that below. Please indicate how much money (in USD or as a percentage of the budget) you think should be allocated to the idea.

The survey will close on September 14.

Using the results of the Wiki survey, the council will make a recommendation to the Open Science Hardware Foundation (formerly GOSH, Inc) on funding areas and amounts for the next year, which they in turn will use in their discussions with the Sloan Foundation.

The ideas so far

Funding for infrastructure (Tools, Machineries, Community Lab setup, etc)
Provide funding for infrastructure for local labs and makerspaces. Infrastructure includes tools such as 3D printers, pcb milling machines and laser cutters, but not limited to. Could include requests for funding up to $10,000. This funding should not be distributed to a single person but rather should be communally operated and/or managed, and communities/labs should be custodians of this infrastructure.

Regional Event Funding
Largely the same as what it is now, the GOSH Regional Events Funding program is for groups that want to host an event, workshop, conference, or get-together aimed at supporting open science hardware. There are typically three funding tiers available, USD $9910, $6000, or $3000.

Fund existing projects that have the potential to be ubiquitous in their area of science
Fund existing projects that can demonstrate potential for ubiquity in its field. It’s like finding an open source and taking it to a commercial level of polish and performance that it completely dominates the market, achieving ubiquity in one area of science. This would entail funding of several tens of thousands of USD over a year or more.

Intro or beginner-level science hardware workshops/classes/events
The idea behind this is to provide microgrants (a few hundred USD) requiring very little review to provide short introductory courses on science and science education. The intent is to cheaply spread the seeds of science education without strong expectations of success.

Global Event Funding
Funding for the next Gathering, an event convening the global open science hardware community. The purpose of the Gatherings is to work on deliverables set out by the GOSH Roadmap and to help make OScH ubiquitous by 2025. The budget for the Global event is around $100,000 (depending on the location being selected to host the event).

Collaborative Development Funding
The GOSH Collaborative Development Program is for organizations and groups working on existing or new open science hardware projects, with the aim of building collaboration with industry experts, groups, and organizations. This program funds new and existing projects in two phases. In the past, a total of $77,000 USD was allocated to established projects and $33,000 USD was allocated to new projects.


Really like this idea, thank you to @lizbarry for introducing it to us! I just “voted”.

It seems that I can just keep going and choose between the two options presented to me. Is there an end to this if I keep clicking?

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Hi Pen, my understanding based on experience and Bit By Bit - Asking questions - 3.5.2 Wiki surveys is that "Respondents [are] able to continue contributing information about their preferences for as long as they wish by either voting or choosing “I can’t decide.”

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i really lime the idea I voted already !

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Thanks for setting this up :slight_smile:

My grain of sand:

I was just thinking that there might be several projects out there, sitting in a closet, complete or incomplete, waiting for some opportunity to be documented and released as OSH. Perhaps “funding” (or encouraging) people to document them with adequate grants would make such projects turn up and be released.

I release everything I make, even if the docs are a mess, or completely insufficient. But I know some developers that don’t release their projects because they are not “tidy” enough, even though they work. Documenting parts of larger unfinished projects might be great too.

Perhaps this idea would fit better as a new “track” in the Collaborative Development program, but I added it anyway to the AOI survey.



hi all

some comments on the funding ideas

I think this is a great idea!! but I will like to see included part of the funds to sustain the people that will sustains this infraestructure

+1 this is a great tool for regional community building. maybe this track needs some adjustment to distinguish better between different tiers becase almost all projects aimed at the 9k

How this would be different from collaborative development projects? I think there is a lot of overlapping with the established projects track

Not sure how this track worked… there was not much feedback at least in the forum except from the pipetting robot and the PCR project. Maybe this track can be connected with some kind of mentorship like open hardware makers…?

I was wondering also if we don’t need some funds to cover community roles like community manager (or even people at the community council) and things like gosh infraestructure (ie forum or self hosted apps

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Hi Fernando!

Thanks for your comments, I can respond to some of them (c:

(Funding for infrastructure)

I think this is a great idea!! but I will like to see included part of the funds to sustain the people that will sustains this infraestructure

I think so too, because it is like an investment for the future. Although you can see from the running poll results that this idea is ranked somewhere in the middle.

(Fund existing projects that have the potential to be ubiquitous)

How this would be different from collaborative development projects? I think there is a lot of overlapping with the established projects track

It’s about strategy. Usually folks work on whatever they specialise in, and then try for ubiquity. In this case we put ubiquity first, and organise the effort in whatever field is most ripe for it. It’s opportunistic.

(Collaborative Development Funding)

Not sure how this track worked… there was not much feedback at least in the forum except from the pipetting robot and the PCR project. Maybe this track can be connected with some kind of mentorship like open hardware makers…?

You are prescient! Stay tuned!

I was wondering also if we don’t need some funds to cover community roles like community manager (or even people at the community council) and things like gosh infraestructure (ie forum or self hosted apps

I’ve been thinking a bit about this, can you share more of your thoughts?


Thanks for your comments Harold

In the previous funding there were some funds aimed to pay a Community Manager, so my thinking was if we need to keep part of the funds for that role.
Also, I know being a council member takes a lot of time and was thinking if there is some chance to assign at least some funds (even symbolic) to them.
Regarding the gosh infraestructure, don’t know if we need to pay for hosting and I think if we want to add self hosted apps or add functionality to the forum (ie translations) we will need someone to do it.